公共英语2 C层 题库


公共英语2 C层 题库.docx



Part I Vocabulary and Grammar

Directions: There are 20 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the ONE answer that best completes the sentence.

1. Bees communicate by dancing: for example, they do a kind of dance to tell other bees about the ______ of flowers.

A. local  B. location   C. located     D. locating

2. It was said that Nancy was going to marry a rich Englishman, but she ______ it.

A. deny B. denying  C. denies  D. denied

3. We need a huge ______ of money to build a new high school for the children in this area.

A. many B. mount     C. amount D. mound

4. Since you broke the window, you should pay for the______.

A. ruin     B. damage   C. hurtD. destroy

5. People who fish and sail sometimes ______ to have seen strange animals in the sea.

A. speak        B. say  C. tell   D. claim

1-5 BDCBD      

6. He looks young, but ______ he is much the elder of the two.

A. actually    B. actual   C. act    D. actuality

7. The guard walked through the train ______ everyone’s ticket.

A. inspects    B. inspect C. inspected D. inspecting

8. The new smart ______ could be very expensive to build. However, they would be less likely to be damaged during earthquakes.

A. structures    B. structure C. structural    D. structuralism

9. People who smoke are ___ danger of developing lung disease from heavy smoking.

A. at         B. in       C. on      D. with

10. The matter has nothing to do ______ him; he was just doing his job.

A. on         B. of       C. with      D. to

6-10 ADABC

11. If you are interested in this line ______ thinking, please read this book for more details.

A. up         B. of       C. along      D. off

12. We should try our best to stop young people ______ smoking.

A. to        B. from       C. of         D. down

13. The factory closed ______ and she lost her job.

A. down         B. on       C. upon      D. to

14. These books are for reading in the library, and may not be taken ______.

A. of        B. at         C. away      D. off

15. I definitely agree ______ you that young girls shouldn’t wear that much make-up.

A. off          B. at         C. to     D. with

11-15 BBACD

16. They’re tearing ______ these old houses to put up a new office building.

A. down          B. on        C. at      D. toward

17. Sometimes what appear to be problems ______ easily solved.

A. is         B. are        C. being          D. be

18. Joan is one of those people who______ out of their way to be helpful.

A. going         B. gone         C. goes         D. go

19. He is only one of those boys who ______ willing to help others.

A. am        B. be        C. are       D. is  

20. Attending on-campus concerts ______ part of the pleasure of college life.

A. are        B. be        C. is          D. am

16-20 ABDDC

21. To translate this into English ______ hard work.

A. needs         B. need         C. needing          D. is needed

22. Living on that island for three months ______ an unforgettable experience for me.

A. be         B. are        C. was           D. were

23. Parking along the road ______ six heavy trucks.

A. was        B. were       C. is          D. be

24. He is not the only football fan in his family, so __ his brother, sister, and his uncle.

A. be        B. are        C. was           D. were

25. Unfortunately, the hat I had just bought was no longer ______ fashion.

A. up       B. over        C. on           D. in

21-25 ACBBD

26. You ought to pay more attention ______ the quality of these goods.

A. up       B. on       C. to            D. at

27. I want to complain ______ the food and the service in this restaurant.

A. to       B. up      C. about            D. down

28. The trend at the moment is ______ a more natural and less made-up look.

A. up       B. toward       C. to            D. at

29. I will meet Mr. Smith ______ the book club at 10 o’clock.

A. on        B. through       C. up         D. at

30. We have invited an expert ______ this area to give us a speech.

A. to       B. at      C. in          D. on

26-30 CCBDC

31. I have a strong desire ______ fresh air after staying in the small room for several hours.

A. for      B. to       C. up           D. at

32. His knowledge is only limited ______ what is taught in class.

A. at        B. to       C. to       D. up

33. I’m going to sell the house, together with the ______.

A. furniture       B. future           C. fur          D. fish

34. You had a traffic accident, so you’ll have to ______ in court.

A. appearance     B. appear     C. apply     D. appoint

35. There is an ______ for our new product in the local newspaper.

A. advertise       B. advertiser      C. advertisement     D. advertising

31-35 ACABC

36. I ______ nothing other than to be left in peace. So just go away.

A. desirable      B. desire    C. desirous      D. desiring

37. It is ______ to spend money on something you don’t use.

A. fool       B. foolishness   C. foolish      D. foolishly

38. We should try hard to develop tourism. Tourism ______ jobs for local people.

A. create       B. creative     C. creation       D. creates

39. The development of the world’s ______ will bring about many new problems.

A. economic      B. economical     C. economy       D. economics

40. Mother will need ______ help to do the work since she is not in good health.

A. addition       B. additional         C. additionally   D. add

36-40 BCDCB

41. She walks her dog every day ______ the beach.

A. on       B. to   C. at       D. in

42. Some kinds of plants and animals are disappearing ______ a fast rate.

A. for       B. at   C. up    D. to

43. The students show very positive attitudes ______ their study.

A. in         B. toward       C. at       D. on

44. You must consider the problem ______ all its aspects.

A. on           B. in        C. at        D. to

45. It’s not easy for people to give ______ their bad habits.

A. from         B. at      C. up         D. to

41-45 ABBBC

46. The old couple live ______ their nursery garden.

A. onto         B. into          C. off     D. over

47. The guest speaker was asked to comment ______ his college life.

A. up        B. with       C. on          D. to

48. I got my lost money ______ from a taxi driver.

A. in       B. into      C. out          D. back

49. We just ______ fast food. If you want something special, please go to another restaurant.

A. server  B. servant     C. serve   D. service

50. Life is an endless journey toward personal ______.

A. achievable B. achieves        C. achieve        D. achievements

46-50 CCDCD

51. If you want him to ______ you the money, you have to prove that you will be able to give it back.

A. lend     B. lent     C. borrow         D. borrowed

52. How the situation will ______ work out, only time can tell.

A. eventual  B. eventually C. eventuality   D. evenly

53. It cost me one pound, ______ 10 pence to have the letter posted.

A. more         B. plum    C. plus D. plug

54. His ______ income is $36,000; that is, he earns $3,000 a month.

A. monthly     B. month  C. annually  D. annual

55. You can’t expect your parents to support you ______.

A. forever          B. for   C. ever   D. last

51-55 ABCDA

56. Mrs. Johnson takes pride ______ her daughter, who came first in the race.

A. of          B. in  C. at     D. inside

57. Thanks ______ out medical knowledge, this terrible disease is much less common now.

A. up   B. to      C. at     D. onto

58. You can pick ______ some useful ideas through talking with your teachers.

A. on         B. with    C. to     D. up

59. I wouldn’t dream ______ marrying someone I hadn’t lived with.

A. of   B. in       C. on   D. to

60. Will you apply ______ the job by letter or in person?

A. on      B. at    C. in      D. for

56-60 BBDAD

61. The timetable says that the plane ______ off at 8:30 every morning.

A. takes B. took       C. is taking        D. had taken

62. For the whole period of two months, there ______ no rain in this area. Now the crops are dead.

A. is      B. has been     C. was  D. have been

63. The man who spoke at the meeting yesterday ______ his brother.

A. was       B. had been    C. has been      D. is

64. Has he told you where he ______ his holiday next month?

A. spent       B. will spend  C. has spent     D. would spend

65. I will have a good time whether I ______.

A. win or lose                     B. won or lost     

C. had won or lost                     D. would win or lose

61-65 ABDBA

66. If you are too busy, just call me to help ______.

A. in    B. on      C. to   D. out

67. He refuses to invest ______ companies without a good social record.

A. in  B. off    C. at   D. out

68. I’m afraid you’ll have to wait a while for the meeting to begin. ______ the meantime, you may go over your speech again.

A. In  B. Up      C. At   D. To

69. The past always seems better when you look back ______ it.

A. out   B. in       C. into  D. on          

70. The weather is said to be good throughout this week, so it should turn _____ fine tomorrow.

A. on  B. out   C. to       D. up

66-70 DAADB

71. He’ll probably fly on the same plane as I ______ yesterday.

A. did    B. have done    C. will do    D. do

72. Will you tell us how you ______ to overcome the difficulties last week?

A. managed   B. will manage    C. had managed   D. have managed

73. She promised to give me whatever help I ______.

A. will need    B. would need   C. had needed    D. was needing

74. Some people believe that doing a favor for someone can sometimes get you ______ a lot of trouble.

A. on    B. into        C. off   D. over

75. She had been prepared to leave the restaurant ______ the spot, but I insisted we finish our meal.

A. into   B. at  C. on   D. upon

71-75 AABBC

76. With the coming of winter, the warmer clothing suddenly took ______.

A. off  B. on  C. at    D. in

77. Qingdao is a beautiful city ______ the east coast of China.

A. to          B. over    C. on              D. off

78. It is not what you say but what you do that ______ people most.

A. impressB. impresses  C. impressed       D. impressing

79. In the Third World, many people die ______ hunger each year.

A. up   B. at   C. of   D. on  

80. Our university will experiment ______ an oral English test as a part of the final exam.

A. of  B. with  C. at      D. to

76-80 ACBCB

81. Did you keep a(n) ______ while you were traveling in Europe?

A. diary     B. dairy           C. note           D. write

82. Their ______ to build a big factory near the village failed because the local people were strongly against it.

A. projector        B. project        C. projection        D. projectionist

83. His boss ______ him that if he was late again, he would lose his job.

A. warn           B. warns         C. warned          D. warning

84. He has no language talent at all, so learning English is a(n) ______ thing to him.

A. cruel     B. cruelty       C. cruelly          D. cruelties

85. As we are developing our economy we should not ______ protecting the environment.

A. neglect         B. neglects       C. neglected        D. neglecting


86. He’ll never make a good teacher, as he doesn’t know how to ______ children.

A. handles         B. handled      C. handle        D. handling

87. His old dog is very ______ to him because it always follows him wherever he goes.

A. faithful      B. faith         C. faithfully        D. faithless

88. Going ______ sleep for a long time makes me feel tired.

A. withdraw       B. within         C. with            D. without

89. Our math teacher is very nice, as he never seems tired ______ answering our questions at any time and at any place.

A. with         B. at            C. of             D. over

90. After he lost his job, he was ______ the habit of drinking.

A. on            B. in            C. at         D. with

86-90 CADCB

91. Last night the storm was so heavy that the roof of the small house was blown ______.

A. off            B. over          C. of             D. in

92. When he heard his mother died an hour before, he broke ______ and cried in front of his own children.

A. into           B. out           C. down           D. over

93. I checked ______ two mysteries from the library for my son, and he finished reading them in two days!

A. in       B. out      C. down           D. off

94. Every Friday afternoon, John will clean ______ his own office so that it will look nice and clean when he comes back to work on Monday.

A. in       B. out      C. down           D. off

95. If you let work take up too much of your time, then you will never get around ______ showing the people you love how much you care about them.

A. in            B. of             C. on             D. to

91-95 ACBBD

96. Each of the boys explained ______ project.

A. its            B. her            C. their           D. his

97. I hate standing in lines where ______ have to take a number.

A. they            B. you             C. I             D. she

98. If you send in your ticket order in advance, ______ can be sure of getting good seats.

A. one         B. you          C. they         D. he

99. The old man asked me to move my suitcase off the bench so he could sit on ______.

A. it              B. him          C. them       D. the bench

100. Everyone who parks on that street has had ______ car windows broken.

A. their           B. its           C. them          D. him

96-100  DCBDA  

101. John won’t go for the job interview because he says ______ hire only college graduates.

A. them B. they C. he  D. him

102. None of the women in the class was eager to have ______ presentation put on videotape.

A. her      B. she C. it       D. its

103. The doctor did not tell the family that Tom would be likely to suffer ______ heart disease for fear of frightening them.

A. in      B. intoC. from        D. with

104. People all over the world should be concerned ______ drug and pollution problems.

A. into     B. in   C. of   D. about

105. When the girl asked them if she could ask her boyfriend ______, her parents gave her a negative answer.

A. for     B. into  C. to D. out

101-105 BACDD

106. After losing touch ______ his younger sister for twenty years, Brown was amazed to find that they were both living in the same state.

A. with     B. out C. in D. for

107. We are confident that our city will take ______ a new look in the 21st century.

A. to   B. off  C. on D. place

108. All the people landed ______ her and her face turned red.

A. to   B. off  C. on D. in

109. The words on the sign are so large that we can see them ______ a distance.

A. from   B. off  C. on D. in

110. When the clouds moved in, the moon was no longer ______ sight.

A. from   B. off  C. on D. in

106-110 ACCAD

111. The speaker ______ for a moment, and then began to answer the question.

A. shook       B. paused   C. pressed          D. tripped

112. She is so strange. She always tried to ______ talking to me.

A. prefer         B. protect   C. avoid         D. assure

113. Does ______ want to buy this book? It’s only $3, but it tells an interesting story.

A. anyone        B. anything   C. someone        D. something

114. It is unnecessary for those who study hard to consider the ______ of failing the exam.

A. danger   B. warning   C. possibility  D. surprise

115. We often ______ the happy time we spent at your home last summer.

A. remind    B. recall   C. present   D. provide

111-115 BCACB

116. I’m ______ of his purpose in saying those words, but I don’t want to argue with him.

A. careless       B. content   C. confident       D. conscious

117. While I was walking alone down the street, three men came up to me and asked me for ______ to the beach.

A. directions    B. contacts  C. contents      D. materials

118. Jack is among the brightest of his ______: he can speak several foreign languages and has won three national prizes.

A. honor       B. generation  C. ability       D. edge

119. We must guard ourselves ______ making the same mistakes again.

A. from       B. to  C. over      D. out

120. I asked her to drop me ______ at the airport, but she stayed till I boarded the plane.

A. from       B. to  C. over      D. off

116-120 DABAD

121. The little baby was very excited ______ the sight of his mother.

A. in B. toC. at D. for

122. Many people believe he died ______ working too hard.

A. from    B. ofC. in D. with

123. I was not conscious ______ being alone in the room until I finished reading the book.

A. from    B. ofC. in D. with

124. ______ this day, I still have fresh memories of my life in that small, quiet town.

A. At B. OnC. To     D. with

125. He had put the hat ______ and taken it off again three times.

A. over  B. inC. with      D. on

121-125 CABCD

126. He jumped onto the train just as it was pulling ______.

A. off  B. outC. down D. away

127. Although they are roommates, they are not close ______ each other.

A. toB. withC. from D. about

128. For them, there is no social life to speak ______. They are too busy.

A. up B. into C. ofD. on

129. I’m afraid that he will be overcome ______ shock on hearing the news.

A. with B. for C. in D. of

130. Don’t try to travel to too many places ______ a time. You will be tired out.

A. within  B. in C. atD. during

126-130 DACAC

131. Our next discussion will focus ______ how to improve the city’s air quality.

A. in B. by C. on D. for

132. Contrary ______ what most of us believed, she is married and has already had a baby.

A. at   B. to    C. with   D. of

133. ______ the past three years, he has been attending evening classes to study English.

A. AtB. OnC. ForD. with

134. I knew it was his carelessness that had caused the accident, but he didn’t want to admit ______ it in public.

A. in B. by C. on D. to

135. We usually have the first class ______ 8:00 in the morning.

A. of       B. in           C. on           D. at

131-135 CBCDD

136. Get up early, ______ you’ll be late for school.

A. so        B. and         C. or            D. but

137. I jumped ______ than Bill in the sports meet last year.

A. high    B. higher         C. highest         D. the highest

138. My grandparents ______ in that city since 2008.

A. will live   B. live   C. have lived    D. were living

139. – Can you tell me ______ to London?

 –Sure. Next month.

A. when you will travel       B. when will you travel

C. when you travelled        D. when did you travel

140. These model cars ______ in China in 2013.

A. are made  B. were made    C. make         D. made

136-140 CBCAB

141. Maori people in New Zealand touch ______ when they meet.

A. trees B. noses C. caps D. desks

142. Look! Some visitors ______ for the bus over there.

A. are waiting B. is waiting  C. waiting D. wait

143. Nothing is ______ than riding. I like it best.

A. enjoyable B. more enjoyable

C. most enjoyable D. the most enjoyable

144. The WWF is working hard ______ the animals in danger.

A. save B. to save   C. saves    D. saved

145. We have been friends ______.

A. last year   B. one year ago

C. since we met last year   D. when we met last year.

141-145 BABBC

146. Have you ever heard of the news ______ is about the Strawberry Concert?

A. who B. what    C. which D. when

147. Boys and girls, believe in yourselves. The ______ you are, the better grades you’ll get.

A. more careful  B. more carefully  C. most carefully    D. most careful

148. What ______ good news! Our school band will play at Hefei Summer Concert in August.

A. a        B. the          C. /     D. an

149. Our government has tried many ways to ______ the smog problem. Maybe we’ll have a clear sky in the near future.

A. put away       B. work out      C. come up  D. get up

150. Health is important for us teenagers, so we should eat more vegetables such as ______ to keep healthy.

A. tomatoes and potatoes      B. tomatos and potatos    

C. tomatos and potatoes       D. tomatoes and potatos

146-150 CACBA

151. It was such a long way that they didn’t ______ the hotel until it became dark.

A. reach     B. arrive          C. get   D. come

152. Language learning isn’t hard itself. The attitude ______ you have decides if you can learn it well at last.

A. what        B. who             C. which   D. when

153. It’s my ______ time to come to the bookstore this month because most of the books in it are my favorite.

A. forth            B. four         C. fourth    D. fouths

154. Doing eye exercises ______ one of the useful ways to protect our eyes.

A. is          B. are            C. were   D. be

155. I wonder when Subway Ⅱ in Hefei ______. When the day comes, I’ll spend less time going to school every day.

A. is finish                              B. will be finished   

C. was finished                       D. would be finished

151-155 ACCAB

156. I ______ a camera two weeks ago but I haven’t had a chance to use it.

A. have bought     B. bought         C. will buy    D. would buy

157. It’s ______ interesting program and it tells us how to play ____ piano.

A. a; the           B. an; the           C. the; a    D. the; an

158. On Fridays, I often ______ with my sister and watch Running Man at home.

A. show up   B. come up    C. stay up    D. play up

159. Something ______ in our hometown since 2014. Now it ______ very modern.

A. is changed; is looked B. has changed; looks

C. changed; looks    D. changed; is looked

160. All the students in the classroom do their homework ______.

 A. enough careful   B. careful enough

C. carefully enough        D. enough carefully

156-160 BBCBC

161. You’re supposed ______ your room up before you go out.

A. to clean         B. clean          C. cleaning  D. cleaned

162. Sandy likes the actors      are popular among teenagers.

A. who     B. whichC. whom   D. whose

163. He has never been to Beijing, ______?       

A. hasn’t he     B. has he          C. doesn’t he  D. does he

164. It is careless ______ him to lose his wallet again. I think it necessary ______ him to be more careful next time.

A. of; of    B. of; for C. for; for    D. for; of

165. ______ of the girls will join the summer camp to visit England.

A. Three fives    B. Third fifths     C. Three fifths     D. Third fives

161-165 AABBC

166. He can do what he can______ the children in his neighborhood.

A. helpB. to help C. helps  D. helping

167. Parents often ______ their children______ some good living conditions.

A. offer; toB. provide; forC. provide; with  D. offer; for

168. I bought ______ for my mother on Mother’s Day this year.

A. special anything                  B. anything special

C. special something                  D. something special

169. Su Bingtian broke the record. He runs ______ than anyone else in Asia.

A. fast B. faster C. fastest     D. the fastest

170. Studying in groups is a popular way ______ can develop students’ ability.

A. which B. what C. who     D. whom

166-170 BCDBA

171. __ good father Mr. King is! He always plays games with his daughter after work.

A. WhatB. What aC. HowD. How a

172. I live in a(an) ___ neighborhood. Many people and cars come and go very often.

A. quietB. emptyC. noisyD. lonely

173. A lot of people dance on the square ______ after dinner.

A. to keep healthyB. kept healthyC. keeps healthyD. keep healthy

174. There ______ some beef in the fridge. Let’s make some beef noodles.

A. amB. isC. areD. be

175. She ______ to give a talk about how to save water yesterday.

A. inviteB. invitedC. is invitedD. was invited

171-175 BCABD

176. We will go camping in the mountains ______ it rains tomorrow.

A. unlessB. butC. orD. so

177. ___ along this street, and you can find the hotel on your right, next to the market.

A. WalkB. To walkC. WalksD. Walking

178. Peter returned the wallet to the police. He was ______ honest boy.

A. a  B. an    C. the  D. /

179. Jane looked carefully at ______ in the mirror before going outside.

A. her  B. him    C. herself D. himself

180. Bob has got good exam results. His parents are proud of his ______.

A. success  B. chance C. idea D. dream

176-180 ADBCA

181. You must make sure your tea is not too hot ______ you drink it.

A. before   B. after C. since D. while

182. A dog will love you faithfully and bring you ______ happiness for years.

A. lots of  B. many C. a little D. a few

183. When you ______ a difficult task, try to continue with it and finish it.

A. give  B. are giving C. gave       D. are given

184. The Silk Road was ______ long that it passed through many countries.

A. quite  B. too       C. very    D. so

185. Do you know ______? I want to see a funny film.

A. where the cinema is   B. where is the cinema

C. where the cinema was      D. where was the cinema

181-185  AADDA

186. When you play sport, you need to guard ______ accidents.

A. over  B. against C. with    D. at

187. I bought a smartphone yesterday, and it works well, would you like to buy ____ like this?

A. it           B. this      C. one        D. that

188. The apple has gone bad and it has a ________ smell.

A. good    B. same     C. terrible    D. delicious

189. Some children prefer to eat junk food ________ it’s not good for their health.

A. although       B. if        C. as     D. when

190. As a student, we should keep our classroom ________.

A. dirty    B. clean         C. clear     D. noisy

186-190 BCCAB

191. You get wet all over. It must be raining ________ outside.

A. heavily   B. hardly     C. carefully    D. loudly

192. In order to make Dandong more beautiful, more trees and flowers ________ every year.

A. will plant B. should plant   C. should be planted    D. must plant

193. Tom will be able to find the hotel, for he has a pretty good ______ of direction.

A. idea          B. feeling        C. experience        D. sense

194. Father’s Day is on the _______ Sunday in June. It’s on June 21st this year.

A. first           B. second         C. third             D. fourth

195. The world’s population is growing ______ and there is _______ land and water for growing rice.

A. more; less    B. larger; fewer     C. larger; less     D. more; fewer


196. Maria is leaving for France soon by air. She will arrive ______ Paris ______ the morning of August 8th.

A. at; in     B. in; on      C. in; in      D. at; on

197. I really enjoyed your speech, ______ there were some parts I didn’t quite understand.

A. because    B. unless  C. though     D. after

198. ______ exciting news! We will have a long holiday after the exam.

A. What an     B. How an         C. What          D. How

199. You’d better wake up Tom at 6:30. ______ he will be late for the match.

A. if   B. or     C. and         D. but

200. The New York Times is a popular daily ______.

A. dictionary      B. magazine   C. newspaper     D. guidebook

196-200 BCCBC

201. We will have to set off ______ to avoid the heavy traffic tomorrow morning.

A. early  B. quietly   C. slowly   D. politely

202. If overweight people eat less and take more exercise, they’ll soon feel much ______.

A. fatter  B. older   C. bigger      D. healthier

203. Everyone ______ has been to Shanghai says it is a modern city.

A. why  B. whose   C. who   D. which

204. When I got to the bus stop. I missed the early bus and I had to____ the next one.

A. give up   B. keep off   C. call off     D. wait for

205. Good news!  We’ll have ______ one-day holiday in order to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory in World War II.

A. a    B. an     C. the        D.

201-205 ADCDA

206. When is the World Book and Copyright Day? It’s ______ 23 April.

A. in    B. at     C. on        D. during

207. We can’t make a sandwich without ______.

A. bread    B. onions     C. yogurt     D. tomatoes

208. Tari Apps(打车软件)can help us travel around more easily. ______ more and more people like using them.

A. Or       B. So        C. And     D. But

209. I love the air ______ it rains because it smells fresh.

A. since      B. after        C. before    D. whenever

210. It is a world of flowers in spring in Hefei. You can see flowers ______.

A. here           B. there          C. somewhere        D. everywhere


211. Drinking alcohol can be ______ your brains. So people in China aren’t allowed to drink it if they are younger than 18.

A. good at        B. good with       C. harmful to        D. thirsty for

212. It is reported that nearly ______ foreign kids joined a British boarding school last year, and a third of them came from China.

 A. nine thousand    B. nine thousands

C. nine thousand of      D. nine thousands of

213. Jane is ______ 16-year-old high school student in ______ United States.

A. a; the     B. the; a       C. a; /       D. a; an

214. When we got to the park yesterday, ______ started raining.

A. that   B. itC. this   D. there

215. I am new here. I often get lost and can’t find my ______.

A. ticket        B. way   C. wallet      D. mind

211-215 CAABB

216. While I was away from my home last year, I always ______ my family.

A. guessed B. thoughtC. missed     D. wondered

217. Mum, the soup is not ______ enough. A little more sugar, please.

A. sour B. saltyC. sweet     D. smelly

218. Helen is going to work in an old people’s home to help ______ the old people.

A. look forward to B. look after C. look through     D. look for

219. More and more children in the countryside are ______ school at an early age to look for work in the cities.

A. going to  B. leaving    C. beginning D. arriving at

220. ______ you drive, you mustn’t drink wine at all.

A. IfB. Unless C. Though      D. Although

216-220 CCBBA

221. Practice more, ______ you’ll learn Englishbetter.

A. orB. soC. and     D. but

222. It is necessary for everyone to______ a good habit ofreading.

A. enjoyB. chooseC. develop     D. accept

223. We have to ______ the bike ride because of the badweather.

A. put offB. turn offC. take off     D. get off

224. Tom failed in the exam again ______ he tried hisbest.

A. ifB. unlessC. though D. because

225. For many western people, they drink cold water even ______ winter.

A. onB. for   C. at        D. in

221-225 CCACD

226. Good books are like wise friends, because ______ support you to walk forward and help you understand the world.

A. they  B. their  C. them       D. themselves

227. Of all the drinks, tea is ______ in the world. It has 5,000 years of history in China.

A. older   B. the oldest    C. old    D. very old

228. I live near the station. It’s only about five ______ walk.

A. minute’s B. minute  C. minutes’    D. minutes

229. I tried two bookshops for the dictionary I wanted, but ______ of them had it.

A. eitherB. both  C. neitherD. none

230. What happens when you hear a strange noise at night .or find a big spider in the corner of your bedroom? It often makes us ______.

A. jumpB. to jump        C. jumping     D. jumped

226-230 ABCCA

231. Teenagers should ______ to take care of themselves from a young age.

A. educate     B. be educatingC. have educated    D. be educated

232. Thanks to the robots, the human reporters do not have to spend a lot of time ______ boring numbers and information.

A. processing  B. to process  C. processed       D. process

233. Sitting down after a walk is relaxing. But do you dare to sit on a seat ______ tells you your weight?

A. whom B. /C. who          D. that

234. A father in the UK has ______ a wonderful idea to send his kids to school on time. He takes his sons to their school in a white tank.

A. looked up to B. made up     C. come up with    D. shown up

235. The police wondered ______.

A. whose handbag it isB. whose handbag it was

C. whose handbag is itD. whose handbag was it

231-235 DADCB

236. Jack’s hobby is to play ______ chess.

A. a      B. an          C. the            D. /

237. Robert Hunt sometimes advises the students ______ common problems.

A. in     B. about       C. with             D. for

238. Yesterday Lucy told us such good ______ that we are all amazed at it.

A. news     B. ideas          C. suggestion       D. answer

239. This camera is too expensive. I’d like a ______ one.

A. cheap     B. cheaper         C. cheapest       D. more expensive

240. The meat on the plate ______ so delicious. Let’s try it together.

A. smells     B. sounds     C. sees    D. feels

236-240 DBABA

241. You ______ return the book now. You can keep it until next week if you like.

A. have to    B. can’t       C. mustn’t          D. needn’t

242. They heard the party was ______ because of exam.

A. put on     B. put up        C. put off          D. put down

243. A smile ______ nothing, but gives much.    

A. costs       B. spends      C. cost     D. spend

244. The traffic signs warn people ______ after drinking.    

A. to drive     B. not to drive      C. driving         D. don’t drive

245. We ______ to start at once, or we will miss the train.    

A. tell       B. have told        C. are told     D. told

241-25 DCABC

246. The movie is so interesting that I don’t ______ seeing it again tomorrow.    

A. enjoy        B. mind           C. keep           D. finish

247. At school, we are taught ______ knowledge ______ how to behave well.    

A. neither; nor    B. either; or    C. not only; but also       D. not; but

248. I’m going to graduate from my school soon, but I’ll ______ it forever.    

A. be friends with      B. be thankful to      

C. keep away from        D. fall in love with

249. Everybody except Mike and Linda ______ there when the meeting began.

A. is      B. are     C. was           D. were  

250. The Chinese saying “A tree can’t make a forest” tell us that ______ is very important in a football match

A. ability      B. decision     C. teamwork     D. experience   

246-250 BCBCC

Part II Reading Comprehension

Directions: There are four passages in this part. Each passage is followed by some questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should choose the best answer to each question. (每题2, 40分)

Passage 1

Most things cannot be enjoyed without friends, but reading can. While sitting alone in our house, we can travel around the whole world, and we can come to understand thousands of things.

We can also talk with the people living thousands of years ago. Though we may not be great, we can become the friends of bright men. Only books can give us these pleasant things. Some people can’t enjoy them, and they are poor men; some enjoy them most and they get the most happiness from them.

1. The best topic for this passage is _____.

A. Books            B. Reading        C. Happiness      D. Greatness

2. When a person is reading, he usually ____.

A. stays at home    B. sits by himself   C. travels around   D. talks with others

3. Through reading we get to know the world is _____.

A. too wonderful      B. so colorful      C. quite strange      D. very small

4. Books help us to learn the things before us, around us and far away from us, so we might ___.

A. become great people                 B. get cleverer than before

C. talk with those dead persons.           D. become the friends of bright men

5. What does a poor man mean in this passage?

A. A person without money              B. A person without books

C. A person without friends              D. A person unable to enjoy reading.

Passage 2

Two years ago, I moved to a new neighborhood. There seemed to be very few people in this area who are without telephones, so I expected to get a new phone quickly. I applied for one as soon as I moved to my new house, "We are supplying many new phones in your area," an engineer told me "A lot of people want new phones at the moment and the company is hiring fewer engineers than last year so as to save money. A new phone won’t cost you much money, but it will take you a little time. We can’t do anything for you before December. You need a lot of patience if you’re waiting for a new phone and you need a few friends whose phones you can use as well." Fortunately, I had both. December came and went, but there was no sign of a phone. I went to the company’s local office to protest(抗议). "They told me I’d have a phone by December," I protested. "Which year?” the assistant asked.

1. The author moved to a new neighborhood because _____.

A. of some unknown reason        B. he hadn’t had a phone before

C. he wanted to get a new phone     D. the place was near his company

2. He hoped to have a new phone because _____.

A. he knew an engineer very well.       

B. he moved into a very nice house.

C. most of the people there had phones

D. there is something wrong with his old phone

3. He had to wait for a new phone for _____.

A. two months         B. a long time       C. two years      D. half a year

4. When the engineer said, "We can’t do anything for you before December." “I” thought _____.

A. the engineer refused my application.

B. “I” wouldn’t have a new phone until December of this year.

C. “I” will have a new phone next year.

D. “I” should fix a phone by myself.

5. He couldn’t get a new phone because _____.

A. he didn’t apply for one in time.

B. engineers didn’t like to serve newcomers.

C. he didn’t give any presents to the engineers.

D. the engineers were probably too busy at the time.

Passage 3

The human nose has given to the language of the world many interesting expressions. Of course, this is not surprising. Without the nose, we could breathe or smell. It is the part of the face that gives a person special character. Cytano de Bergerac said that a large nose showed a great man courageous, manly and wise.

A famous woman poet wished that she had tow noses to smell a rose! Blaise Pascal made an interesting remark about Cleopatra’s nose. If it had been shorter, he said, it would have changed the whole face of the world.

Man’s nose has had an important role in his imagination. Man has referred to the nose in many ways to express his emotions. Expressions dealing with the nose refer to human weakness, anger, pride, jealousy and revenge.

In English there are a number of phrases about the nose. For example, to hold up one’s nose expresses a basic human feeling---- pride. People can hold up their noses at people, things and places.

The phrase, to be led around by the nose, shows man’s weakness. A person who is led around by the nose lets other people control him. On the other hand, a person who follows his nose lets his instinct guide him.

There are a number of others. However, it should be as plain as the nose on our face that the nose is more than an organ for breathing and smelling.

1. The passage is about ___.

A. An organ, with which people can breathe and smell.

B. The nose, which gives different and useful expressions.

C. The nose given a person special character.

D. Interesting remarks about the nose made by some people.

2. From the passage we know _______.

A. “Cleopatra’s nose” changed the whole face of the world indeed.

B. Cleopatra had a strong will to change the whole look of the world.

C. Cleopatra’s nose was not short.

D. Cleopatra hoped that people would change the whole face of the world.

3. The nose expresses _____.

A. some human weakness             B. people’s shortcomings

C. people’s different emotions          D. human feeling in bad sense

4. A person who follows his nose _____.

A. won’t take other’s advice           B. is easily controlled by others

C. is strong-minded                  D. has ideas of his own

5. How many phrases about the nose are mentioned in the passage?

A. Two            B. Three          C. Four              D. Five


Some problems with the Internet

The Internet is not perfect. There are many problems with it.

The Internet is not organized. There is no one in charge of the Internet. It’s sometimes difficult to find what you are looking for. It’s also easy to get the wrong information on the "net".

Some businessmen cheat people on the Internet. Internet thieves can steal credit card(信用卡) numbers. Some advertisers send spam to e-mail boxes. E-mail boxes often fill up with these unwanted advertisements.

Illegal(非法的)businesses can operate on the Internet. These businesses sell X-rated materials, cigarettes and alcohol() to teenagers.

The Internet has websites(网站) with information about making bombs, breaking the law and terrorism(恐怖主义).

Criminals can fool people, especially children, in chat rooms. They can spread poisonous information and attract new members.

The Internet is the greatest advance in communication since human emerged. But it can also like a dark alley()in a dangerous part of town. Parents need to set parental controls on their children when they use the Internet. This will keep some of the bad material away from their children.

The Internet can be dangerous to computers, too. Some people who have evil intentions enjoy causing problems for other people they don’t even know. They create computer viruses(病毒).A computer can get virus by downloading(下载) a program that has a virus in it. Some viruses come by e-mail.

A virus can destroy the data a person has saved in computer files(文件).A virus can cause a computer to crash. A virus can also reproduce itself! It can send copies of itself to everyone on a person’s e-mail address list. Then those people’s computers will have the same problems and can’t work normally!

1. The underlined word "spam" in the passage means_________.

A. letters   B. products    C. useless information    D. poisonous information

2 .Why can illegal businesses operate on the Internet

A. Because there is no one in charge of the Internet.

B. Because some people like to buy banned (禁止的) products on the Internet.

C. Because X-rated materials, cigarettes, alcohol and so on can be sold well on the Internet.

D. Because people who operate businesses on the Internet are criminals.

3. Parental controls are needed when children use the Internet because_____.

A. children can’t use the computers well

B. children may damage the computers

C. the Internet is sometimes unsafe for children

D. poisonous information may have a bad effect in children

4. The harm of a computer virus is that______.

A. it can change the saved data in computer

B. it can reproduce itself

C. it can make the computer operator ill

D. it can destroy not only the saved files but also the computer itself

5. We can infer from the passage that the key to solve the problems with the Internet is_____.

A. to improve the computers

B. to improve people’s moral (道德) level

C. to forbid people to use the Internet

D. to find a medicine to kill computer viruses.

Passage 5

Do We Really Know Our Own Culture

Many people think that we can learn a lot about the culture of a foreign country simply by living in that country. However, this is not necessarily true. Often, the longer we stay in a foreign country, the more we realize how little we actually know about the culture of that country.

Books and talks about other people’s culture can even be dangerous because they concentrate on cultural differences and exaggerate national characteristics(特点),and sometimes a lot of the information they contain is untrue.

In a survey recently carried out in Britain, people were asked to make a list of anything which they thought was typical(有代表性的)of Britain and would interest a foreign visitor there. Most mentioned Shakespeare, the Queen, village inns. English folk dancing, football hooligans(足球流氓),umbrellas. English casteless cricket(板球),and fish and chips wrapped in newspaper. Although all of these features can be found in Britain culture, they do not reflect the real interests of ordinary culture, they do not reflect the real interests of ordinary British people. They are, in fact, simply stereotypes(成见)----that is, general features which people wrongly think are typical. What is surprising is that they were suggested by British people themselves as representing their culture! If people have such a wrong impression of their own culture, how much more false would their impression of other cultures be!

1. If we stay a long time in a foreign country,______

A. we will sometimes forget about the culture of our own country

B. we can often learn a lot about the culture of the foreign country.

C. we will usually become aware of our own ignorance (无知) about its culture

D. we can rarely find out anything at all about his its culture.

2.It is hard to learn about a country’s culture from books because such books_______.

A. concentrates on the dangers of the foreign culture

B. exaggerate national characteristics

C. ignore cultural differences

D. contain little information about culture

3. Many British people said that typical features of Britain were______.

A. village inns and castles           B. newspapers

C. foreign visitors                 D. British people themselves

4. When asked about their own culture, many British people _____.

A. argued they knew little about British culture

B. said they themselves were not typical of British people

C. gave incorrect answers

D. were surprised by the questions asked

5. It is easy to_____.

A. know a lot about your own country’s culture

B. be aware of the cultures of other countries

C. give accurate information about your own country

D. describe stereotypes of your own country

Passage 6

We live in a dangerous world. The figures(数据)for crime(罪行)go up year by year. If you were attacked(攻击) in the street, would you be able to defend yourself Not very well probably, especially if someone was pointing a gun at you. We all see a lot of violence(暴力)in films, but recently some programmers on television showed how people can defend themselves without guns. For example, in one film a woman was attacked from behind. She threw the man, who was heavier and stronger than she was, over her head. Then she held him tightly on the ground. How She knew judo(柔道).

Jiu-jitsu, as judo is sometimes called, means "muscle science” in Japanese. The student of judo needs to learn a lot about the body, its bones and muscles. Judo uses a number of” falls", "holds" and "throws”. Someone who does not know judo cannot defend himself against them. If you know judo you can defend yourself against a person who is stronger than you.(You had better not practice judo on your friends unless they can fall without hurting themselves!)Being strong is one thing, but using the bobby wisely is another. In judo you use the other person’s body to help you. You "throw” him to the ground and” hold" him there, so that he can’t move. Of course, it takes time and practice, but knowing judo is useful. In a violent(暴力的)world you ought to be able to defend yourself.

1. The world is dangerous because______.

A. there is too much television

B. people are not able to defend themselves

C. people don’t carry guns

D. there is more violence and crime every year

2. Which of the following is true?

A. The woman was heavier than the man

B. The woman attacked the man from behind

C. The woman was able to defend herself

D. The woman held the man over her head

3. According to the writer, ______is necessary.

A. learning to use guns

B. learning judo to fight with your friends.

C. learning to attack others in the street

D. learning to defend oneself without any weapons

4. In judo, you do not have to_______.

A. know about the bones and muscles of your bodies

B. learn about the "falls", "holds" and "throws"

C. use your body wisely

D. be stronger than others

5. In judo, you ______to throw the other to the ground and hold him there.

A. depend on your own strength

B. use the other person’s body alone

C. rely on your own strength and wisdom and the other’s body

D. make use of your own strength and the other body’s wisdom

Passage 7

These days, people in Britain and the US do not wear very formal clothes. But sometimes it is important to wear the right thing.

Many American people don’t think about clothes very much. They just like to be comfortable. When they go out to enjoy themselves, they can wear almost anything. At theatres, cinemas and concert you can put on what you like-from elegant suits and dresses to jeans and sweaters. Anything goes, as long as you look clean and tidy.

But in Britain, as well as the US men in offices usually wear suits and ties, and women wear dresses or skirts (not trousers). Doctors, lawyers and business people wear quite formal clothes. And in some hotels restaurants men have to wear ties and women wear smart dresses.

In many ways, Americans are more relaxed than British people, but they are more careful with their clothes. At home, or on holiday, most Americans wear informal or sports-clothes. But when they go out in the evening, they like to look elegant. In good hotels and restaurants, men have to wear jackets and ties, and women wear pretty clothes and smart hairstyles.

It is difficult to say exactly what people wear in Britain and the US, because everyone is different. If you are not sure what to wear, watch what other people do and then do the same. You’ll feel more relaxed if you don’t look too different from everyone else.

1. If you visit an American friend in the evening, you may find that your friend wears_______.

A. pretty cloths    B. informal clothes   

C .formal clothes   D. dirty clothes

2. Who doesn’t usually wear suits and ties?

A. Lawyers.      B. Doctors         C. Drivers.        D. Secretaries.

3. Many British people dress freely when they_______ .

A. attend meetings                  B .attend lectures

C. spend their spare time             D .have business meetings

4. If you are in a foreign country, for clothes you’d better __________ .

A .wear strange clothes              B. follow others

C. wear your native clothes           D. wear pretty clothes

5. Which sentence is true according to the passage?

A. These days, most people in Britain and the US wear very formal clothes.

B. At theatres, cinemas you can put on what you like so long as they are clean and tidy.

C. Doctors, business people wear informal clothe in Britain.

D. In many ways, Americans are more relaxed than British people, but they are more careful with their clothes.

Passage 8

Millions of words have been written about young people in the United States. There are reasons for this great interest in the ideas, feelings, and actions of youth.

Today there are about seven million Americans in the colleges and universities. Young persons under twenty-five make up nearly half of the American population. Many of these will be in power in the U.S. Naturally their ideas are important to everyone in the country, and it is necessary for older people to understand what they think and feel.

College students today have strong opinions about right and wrong. They are deeply interested in making a better life for all people, especially for those who have not been given a fair chance before now. They see much that is wrong in the lives of their parents. It is hard for them to see what is right and good in the older ways. As a result, there is often trouble in American families.

1. Nearly half of the population consists of the young people .

A. less than 25    B. around 25     C. from 1 to 25     D. more than 25

2. What the young people think and feel are important to all the American people because .

A. they are most correct

B. a number of them will manage the country as leaders

C. they are something new

D. they represent the modern force

3. The thoughts and feelings of young persons will be necessarily understood by.

A. everyone in the country          B. the older people

C. college students only            D. millions of people in the U.S.

4. The students at colleges pay special attention to the people .

A. who keep their life in the older ways

B. who enjoy a tearful life

C. who are not treated in a just way

D. who have strong opinions about the society

5. Which is the correct one?

A. We’ve talked much about the young American people.

B. The young people in America interest millions of people.

C. They are making a better life for themselves.

D. People have written many books and articles about the young people in America.

Passage 9

Mark Twain was asked one day if he could remember the first money he got. He thought for a long time before answering and then said, "Yes, it was at school. I can remember everything about it. Schoolboys in those days never respected teachers and never took care of the things on the school. They often damaged their desks. There was a rule in our school that anybody who damaged his desk with a pencil or knife would be beaten before the whole school or have to pay five dollars."

"One day, I damaged my desk in some way. I had to tell my father I had broken the rule, and had to pay five dollars or be beaten before the whole school. My father said it would be too bad to have our face lost in front of the whole school. He agreed to give me five dollars to hand over to the teacher. But before giving me the money he took me up stairs and gave me a beating." "But as I had one beating and wasn’t afraid of it any more, I decided I would take another beating at school and keep the five dollars. So that was what I did. That was the first money I ever got."

1. Why did the schoolboys often damage the desks in those days?

A. Because the schoolboys loved their teachers and obeyed them.

B. Because they didn’t obey their teachers and weren’t careful of anything in the school.

C. Because they were too small to look after the things.

D. Because their parents told them to damage them.

2. Why did Mark Twain’s father give him five dollars?

A. Because he was very rich.

B .Because he loved his son and didn’t want the teacher to beat his son.

C. Because he didn’t want his son to be beaten in front of the whole school.

D. Because he didn’t like money.

3. When and where did Mark Twain get his first money?

A. He got his first money at school when he was a schoolboy there.

B. He got his first money at school when he damaged his desk.

C. He got his first money at school after his father gave him a beating.

D. He got his first money at home after his father gave him a beating.

4. After Mark Twain was given a good beating, he got the first money .

A. once         B. twice        C. three times      D. four times

5. The best title of the passage may be  .

A. The First Money             B. Schoolboys in Those Days

C. How to Get Money           D. A Good Beating

Passage 10

We have no idea about when men first began to use salt. But we do know that it had been used in many different ways throughout the history.

For example, it is recorded in many history books that people who lived over three thousand years ago ate salted fish. Thousands of years ago in Egypt, salt was used to preserve(保存)the dead.

In some periods of history, a person who stole salt was thought to have broken the law. Take the eighteenth century for an example, if a person was caught stealing salt, he would be thrown into prison. History also records that only in English about ten thousand people were put into prison during that century for stealing salt! About one hundred and fifty years before, in the year 1553, if a man book more than his share of salt, he would be thought to have broken the law and would be seriously punished. The offender’s(违法者)ear was cut off.

Salt was an important item(项目)on the dinner table of a king. It was always placed in front of the king when he sat down to eat. Important guests at the king’s table were seated near the salt. Less important guests were given seats farther away from it.

1. Thousands of years ago in Egypt salt was used _______ .

A. to punish people who had broken the law

B. to keep dead bodies from decay (腐烂)

C. to keep fish alive

D. to make chemical

2. During the 18th century about ten thousand people were thrown into prison in England because they ________ .

A. had been caught stealing salt

B. had sold salted fish

C. had taken salt from the king’s table

D. had used salt to preserve dead bodies

3. In the ______ century, if a man who took more than his share of salt, he would ________ .

A. nineteenth lose all his saltB. sixteenth be thrown into prison

C. nineteenth lose an earD. sixteenth lose an ear

4. When a king had dinner, salt was placed_________ .

A. in front of important guests

B. far away from the king

C. in front of the king

D. nearer to the less important guests than to the important ones

5. The best title of his passage is ________ .

A. Nobody knows when salt began to be used

B. The uses and importance of salt in history

C. Thousands of people were punished because of salt

D. Salt was important in history

Passage 11

James had a terrible toothache, and it kept him awake all night. His check was swollen(肿大的)and it was difficult for him to eat or drink. Anything very hot or cold made the toothache worse. If James ate anything sweet the pain was unbearable.

James did not want to take off from work, so he tried to bear the pain. He took a pain-killer every hour.

However the tooth hurt so much when he tried to eat his lunch that he knew he had to go to the dentist. He asked his boss for time off. His boss could see that James was in great pain, and told him to take the rest of the day off to have a rest. The dentist agreed to see James immediately.

"Open your mouth," he said, "and let’s have a look." James opened his mouth.

"Which tooth is giving you trouble " the dentist asked next. James touched the tooth with his finger. The dentist x-rayed the tooth, and then he put the x-ray against bright light. "Oh, yes." He said, "I can see the problem. There is a cavity in the tooth. I’m afraid the hole is too big to fill. I must take the tooth out."

That’s all right." James said. "Just stop the pain." The dentist gave James an injection and quickly pulled out the tooth. He dropped it into the garbage can. "Don’t throw it away," James said, "Let me have it please." "Why do you want your old tooth” the dentist asked. "I’m going to take it home, put it in a bowl of hot honey and watch it suffer." James said.

1. What in particular made James toothache hurt?

A. his swollen check        B. the dentist

C. a pain-killer             D. sweet things

2. What did the dentist find wrong with James’ tooth?

A. It was broken.           B. It had a large hole in it.

C. It ached.                D. Nothing.

3. What did the dentist do to James’ tooth?  He ________ .

A. injected it               B. put it in honey

C. pulled it out          D. put a filling in the hole

4. How did the dentist find out what wrong with James’ tooth

A. He took it out         B. He x-rayed it.

C. He injected it.        D. James told him.

5. Why did James want to keep the tooth

A. To remember the pain.

B. He wanted to punish it for hurting him.

C. He did not like throwing things away.

D. He thought he might need it again.

Passage 12

What’s language for some people seem to think it’s for practicing grammar rules and learning lists of words --the longer the lists, the better? That’s wrong. Language is for the exchange(交流)of ideas and information. It’s meaningless knowing all about a language if you can’t use it freely. Many students I have met know hundreds of grammar rules, but they can’t speak correctly or fluently(流利地). They are afraid of making mistakes. One shouldn’t be afraid of making mistakes when speaking a foreign language. Native speakers make mistakes and break rules, too. Bernard Saw once wrote, "Foreigners often speak English too correctly." But the mistakes that native speakers make are different from those that Chinese students make. They’re English mistakes in the English language. And if enough native speakers break a rule, it is no longer a rule. What used to be wrong becomes right. People not only make history, they make language. But a people can only make its own language. It can’t make another people’s language. So Chinese students of English should pay attention to grammar, but they shouldn’t overdo(做过头)it. They should put communication(交际)first.

1. Language is used to __________ .

A. express oneself                B. practice grammar rules

C. talk with foreigners only         D. learn lists of words

2. Generally, when an American or an Englishman speaks English, he________ .

A. never makes mistakes B. often makes mistakes

C. can’t avoid making mistakesD. always makes mistakes

3. "Foreigners often speak English too correctly." This sentence means that______.

A. foreigners speak correct English

B. foreigners speak incorrect English

C. foreigners speak English according to the grammar rules

D. foreigners never make mistakes when they speak English.

4. If too many native speakers break a rule,________ .

A. what they use will become rightB. they are against the law

C. they should say sorry to othersD. they will become heroes

5. When we speak a foreign language, we should________ .

A. speak in Chinese way          B. speak by the rules

C. speak to native speakers        D. not be afraid of making mistakes

Passage 13


A patient was paying his first visit to the doctor. "And whom did you consult about your illness before you came to see me” said the doctor.

"Only the druggist down at the corner," replied the patient.

The doctor didn’t hide his anger at the medical advice often given by people who weren’t doctors. "And what sort of ridiculous(荒谬的)advice did that fool give you " he asked. "He told me to see you."

1. Why do you suppose the patient didn’t go to see the doctor first?

A. He was a friend of the druggist’s.       B. He was afraid of the doctor.

C. He didn’t believe in the doctor.         D. The story doesn’t tell us.

2. From the story, we can infer(推断)that ______ .

A. the doctor was a warm-hearted man

B. there was only one doctor there

C. the doctor was a narrow-minded (气量狭小的) man

D. the doctor was too proud to listen to the others’ advice

3. Why did the doctor call the druggist "the fool?"

A. He thought only doctors like him were clever enough to give medical advice.

B. He thought the druggist was not clever enough.

C. He didn’t like all the druggists.

D. He thought the druggist had fooled his patient.

4. And whom did you consult about your illness before you came to me “In this sentence the underlined part means ________.

A. cure sb. of his illness                B. go for advice

C. tell the story of one’s illness           D. drop in on a druggist

5. When the patient answered “He told me to see you",______.

A. he meant that the druggist was so foolish that he told me to see you

B. he thought that the druggist’s advice was clever

C. he was glad that it was the druggist who helped him to find a good doctor

D. he was, in fact, telling the doctor that he thought the doctor himself was a real fool

Passage 61

When you watch a movie in the cinema, you may wonder how “the moving picture” is made and where the voice, noises and music come from. Now here is the answer.

In modern times, the middle part of a cinema film has lots of small photographs, each one of which is different from the one before it. Each photograph is brought in front of a strong light, and there it stops for a very small part of a second. This photograph, therefore, appears on the screen, and we see it. Then the light is covered and the next photograph is moved to the position in front of the strong light. Meanwhile, the metal cover turns away from the light. Thus, the second photograph is shown on the screen. This is done again and again, twenty-four times a second, and we think we are watching a moving picture on the screen. But nothing on the screen actually moves. “The moving picture” is in fact made up of a lot of bits. We see about 86,400 different pictures every hour, but none of them moves.

The voices, noises and the music are recorded on the side of the cinema film. The record looks like marks of strange shapes. The side of the film passes in front of another light, and the rays of the light which pass through change as the marks change. These marks have been made from the voices and other sound of the people and events in front of the cinema camera when the film is being made. The marks may be considered as “printed sounds”.

1. When a cinema film is shown, each photograph appears on the screen for _____.

A. one twenty-third of a second    B. one twenty-fourth of a second

C. a part of a second             D. one twenty-fifth of a second

2. We see moving pictures on the screen because _____.

A. We see about 86,400 different pictures every hour

B. each picture is a little different from the one before it

C. photographs change quickly

D. both B and C

3. A cinema film is made up of _____.

A. small photographs and a strong light

B. small photographs and the record of the sound on the side

C. a lot of bits

D. voices, noises and music

4. In the sentence “Then the light is covered...” can you tell by what the light is covered?

A. The screen. B. Marks of strange shape.

C. A metal cover. D. The sound record.

5. The sound record _____.

A. sounds strange

B. looks as irregular marks

C. is made up of marks printed in the middle of a film

D. is made while the film is being shown on the screen

Passage 15

A child is dying---out of breath!” I had just begun my working day in the city when these words came through the radio of the police car I was driving. I turned on the red lights and siren(警笛)and drove off as fast as I could. “Just my luck!” I thought. I didn’t know this city well and my first call of the day was a life-and-death sudden happening, several kilometers away.

I got to the house. A mother, filled with fear, handed me her baby, his face already blue. Was I too late Dear me!

I did what had been taught to do in such a serious condition. A small thing flew out of the baby’s mouth on to the floor. It was a button. Thank heaven! The holes in it let a little air through.

A doctor rushed into the room. He had with him an oxygen bag. The child began to cry at the top of his voice, burned red and started to look for his mother. He was angry but was saved.

1. The writer of the story is _____.

A. a policeman         B. a driver       C. a doctor     D. the boy’s father

2. The writer turned on the red lights and siren in order to _____.

A. show that he was a police car

B. have the people in the streets make way for him

C. warn the people in the streets of the danger ahead

D. tell the people in the streets that he did not know the way well

3. The baby was still living when the writer got to the house because _____.

A. the writer arrived in time

B. the writer had been taught what to do at that time

C. the button was not big enough

D. the button happened to have holes in it

4. What did the writer mean when he said to himself, “Just my luck?”

A. It was a good chance for him to practice what he had learned before.

B. He was happy to have such a serious matter on his working day.

C. He was not all happy to have so serious a matter on his working day.

D. He had been long waiting for the day to come

5. What worried the writer all the way to the dying child?

A. He was afraid to come too late to save the child.

B. It was a sudden happening and he was too young.

C. Any people might be knocked down or killed by his car.

D. He was afraid that he could not have the button taken out.

Passage 16

A university professor recently made several tests with different animals to find out which was the cleverest. He found out that the monkey was cleverer than other animals.

In one test the professor put a monkey in a room where there were several small boxes. Some boxes were inside other boxes. One small box had some food inside it. The professor wanted to watch the monkey to find out how long it would take the monkey to find the food. The professor left the room. He waited a few minutes outside the door. Then he got down on his knees and put his eye to the keyhole. What did he see to his surprise, he found himself looking into the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at the professor through the keyhole.

1. The professor wondered _____.

A. whether animals were clever

B. how clever a monkey was

C. which animal was the cleverest

D. if the monkey was clever than other animals

2. The professor wanted to watch the monkey _____.

A. look for the small boxes          B. look for the food

C. move the boxes                 D. eat the food

3. After the professor left the room, the monkey began to _____.

A. guard the door                 B. look at the keyhole

C. watch the door                D. put one of its eyes to the keyhole

4. What was the thing that surprised the professor the monkey _____.

A. found the keyhole               B. was on the other side of the door

C. got down on its knees            D. was watching him through the keyhole

5. A university professor recently made several tests with different animals. The tests were made _____.

A. long before    B. before long     C. not long ago     D. just now

Passage 17

Mr. Perkin stood at the bus stop and watched the cars go by. Many of the cars were new Beta 400s, and most of them were yellow. Mr. Perkin always wore the same clothes as other men, ate the same food as other people, and did the same things after work, and at the end of the week. Mr. Perkin did not like to be different.

The following week, Mr. Perkin bought a new, bright yellow Beta 400. He was very pleased with it, and drove to work in it the very next day. He was even more pleased with his new car, when he saw all the other Beta 400s, in front, behind, and on both sides of him.

Mr. Perkin parked his car in a big car park near his office, and walked the rest of the way. But when he came back at five o’clock there were so many bright yellow Beta 400s in the car park that Mr. Perkin did not know which car was his. He tried his key in some of the cars, but people passing by gave him a look he did not like. So he stopped.

Poor Mr. Perkin had to wait nearly two hours until his was the only yellow Beta 400 in the car park.

1. Mr. Perkin wanted a new, yellow Beta400, because ____.

A. the bus did not come

B. he liked new clothes, food and cars

C. he liked to do the same as other people

D. he liked to be different from others

2. He drove to work in his new car ____.

A. the day after he bought it

B. the day he bought it

C. a week after he bought it

D. on the day he first watched the cars passing

3. He was pleased with his new car, because ____.

A. no one else had a yellow one

B. it was the same car as all around him

C. he was in front of all the other cars

D. other cars were not as bright as his

4. At five o’clock Mr. Perkin ____.

A. walked home                B. drove his car out of the car park

C. came back to the car park      D. did not know which was his car park

5. People gave him a look in the car park because ____.

A. he had a nice new car

B. he could not open the door of his car

C. he was in the wrong car park

D. he was trying to open more than one car

Passage 18

We spent a day in the country and picked a lot of flowers. Our car was full of flowers inside! On the way home we had to stop at traffic lights, and there my wife saw the bookshelf. It stood outside a furniture shop. “Buy it,” she said at once. “We’ll carry it home on the roof-rack (车顶架) . I’ve always wanted one like that.”  

What could I do? Ten minutes later I was twenty dollars poorer, and the bookshelf was tied on to the roof-rack. It was tall and narrow, quite heavy too. As it was getting darker, I drove slowly. Other drivers seemed more polite than usual that evening. The police even stopped traffic to let us through. Carrying furniture was a good idea. After a time my wife said, “There’s a long line of cars behind. Why don’t they overtake (超车) ?”

Just at that time a police car did overtake. The two officers (警官)inside looked at us seriously when they went past. But then, with a kind smile they asked us to follow their car through the busy traffic. The police car stopped at our village church (教堂) . One of the offices came to me. “Right, sir,” he said. “Do you need any more help now?” I didn’t quite understand. “Thanks, officer,” I said. “You’ve been very kind. I lived just down the road.”

He was looking at our things: first at the flowers, then at the bookshelf. “Well, well,” he said and laughed, “It’s a bookshelf you’ve got there! We thought it was, er, something else.” My wife began to laugh. Suddenly I understood why the police drove here. I smiled at the officer. “Yes, it’s a bookshelf, but thanks again.” I drove home as fast as I could.   

1. From the story we know that ___________.

A. the writer was poor and didn’t buy the bookshelf for his wife     

B. the writer’s wife didn’t like the bookshelf at all

C. the writer was always glad to buy something for his wife

D. the writer was not very dad to buy the bookshelf for his wife  

2. What made the writer think that carrying furniture was "a good idea"?     

A. He could drive slowly and it was safe.     

B. Other drivers would let him go first.     

C. His wife could use a new bookshelf.     

D. He could save a lot of money and time.  

3. Why were the police and other drivers so kind to the writer?

A. Because they thought the writer liked studying very much and needed a bookshelf.     

B. Because they didn’t think it was polite to overtake a car with a bookshelf on it.

C. Because they thought somebody in the writer’s family had died and he needed help.     

D. Because they thought it was dangerous to carry a bookshelf on a car.    

4. Why did the writer’s wife begin to laugh?

A. Because now she knew what mistake the police had made.

B. Because at last her husband understood why the police had driven to the church.     C. Because the officer was always looking at the flowers and the bookshelf.     

D. Because the police had helped them a lot.  

5. When did the officers begin to realize (意识到) they had made a mistake?     

A. Before they arrived at the church.      

B. Before they overtook the writer’s car

C. After one of them looked at the flowers and the bookshelf carefully at the church.  

D. After the writer’s family left the church.

Passage 19

The earth moves round the sun, and the moon moves round the earth. When our part (部分) of the earth turns to the sun, it is day. When our part of the earth turns away from the sun, it is night. The sun is much bigger than the moon. But sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because it’s much nearer to the earth.

The sun is very bright. It gives a very strong light. The moon looks quite bright, too. But it doesn’t give any light at all.

The moon looks much bigger and brighter than the stars. But in fact the stars are much bigger and brighter than the moon. They look smaller than the moon because they’re much farther away from us.  

1. ________ moves round __________.

A. The earth, the moon         B. The moon, the earth     

C. The moon, the stars          D. The sun, the earth  

2. Sometimes the moon looks bigger than the sun, because ________.     

A. it is much bigger than the sun   

B. it comes out only at night     

C. it is much nearer to the earth than the sun     

D. it doesn’t give a very strong light    

3. The sun __________.

A. gives us light  

B. gives more light than the moon does     

C. moves round the earth

D. makes the moon move round the earth    

4. The stars ___________.

A. look much bigger than the sun     

B. look much brighter than the moon

C. are a lot brighter than the moon, but they are not bigger than the moon     

D. are much farther away from us than the moon    

5. The moon looks bright because ___________.

A. it gives light                 B. it reflects (反射) the sun’s light     

C. it is nearer to the earth         D. it is nearer to the sun

Passage 20

When people meet each other for the first time in Britain, they say “How do you do?” and shake hands(握手). Usually they do not shake hands when they just meet or say goodbye. But they shake hands after they haven’t met for a long time or when they will be away from each other for a long time.

Last year a group of German students went to England for a holiday. Their teacher told them that the English people hardly shake hands. So when they met their English friends at the station, they kept their hands behind their backs. The English students had learned that the Germans shake hands as often as possible, so they put their hands in front and got ready to shake hands with them. It made both of them laughs.

1. It isif you know the language and some of the customs of the country.  

A. not useful    B. not helpful    C. very helpful    D. very bad    

2. English people usually shake hands when they.

A. meet every time              B. meet for the first time        

C. say goodbye to each other      D. say hello to each other    

3. Usually English people don’t shake hands.      

A. when they will be away for a long time      

B. when they say “How do you do?”      

C. when they just meet or say goodbye      

D. after they haven’t met for a long time    

4. Which is right?  

A. German people shake hands as often as possible.      

B. English people like shaking hands very much.      

C. German people hardly shake hands.

D. Neither English people nor Germans like shaking hands.    

5. This story is about.      

A. shaking hands                B. languages

C. customs                     D. languages and customs

Passage 21

The salmon(大麻哈鱼) is a very strange fish. It is born in a river. But the young salmon takes 2 years to swim down the rivers towards the Pacific Ocean. For another 2 years it lives in the sea and becomes full grown. Then it returns to the river where it was born.

A grown-up salmon weighs about 25 pounds and is nearly three feet long. The female salmon will not lay the eggs(产卵) in the Pacific Ocean. When it is almost time to lay them, both male and female salmon begin a great journey. Each salmon is heading for the river where it was born. A salmon may be a thousand miles from where its life began, yet it is able to return to that place.

As the salmon swim, larger fish attack(袭击) them. The salmon are food for some other fish. Some are caught by fishermen. The salmon that are left keep swimming.

After they enter the rivers, they head upstream(向上游). If rocks and waterfalls(瀑布) are in their way, the salmon leap() over them. A salmon can leap up a fall as high as ten feet. It leaps by swimming at full speed under water, then rising to the surface. Almost the whole body of a salmon is made of muscle(肌肉).  It is these powerful muscles that make the salmon fit for fast swimming, turning quickly, and leaping high out of the water.

Some reach their river in summer, others in the early autumn. They have come hundreds, even thousands of miles and it has taken them weeks and months.    

1. The young salmon was born _____ and grows up _____.     

A. in a river...in the river         B. in a river...in the sea     

C. in a sea...in the sea           D. in a sea...in the river  

2. _____, both male and female salmon will return to where they were born.     

A. When it is almost time for a female salmon to lay eggs     

B. After the female salmon has laid the eggs

C. When they weigh 25 pounds and are nearly three feet long     

D. After they have lived in the Pacific Ocean for 4 years  

3. On their way back to the birth place, _____ salmon are eaten by larger fish and _____ caught by fishermen.

A. most...the others             B. some...the others     

C. most...the rest               D. some...others  

4. _____ swims down the rivers toward the Pacific Ocean while _____ swims upstream to the river where it was born.

A. The young salmon...the grown-up salmon     

B. A male salmon...a female salmon

C. A baby salmon...both male and female salmon     

D. A grown-up salmon...a baby salmon  

5. Powerful muscles make the salmon _____ swim fast, turn quickly and leap high out of the water.

A. fit for        B. can           C. to         D. able to

Passage 22

A young man asked Albert Einstein, the great German scientist, what the secret of success is. The scientist told him that the secret of success is hard work. A few days later the young man asked the same question again. Einstein was very annoyed. He did not say anything, but wrote a few words on a piece of paper. On it was written: A=X+Y+Z.

What does this mean?” asked the young man.

A means ‘success’” explained the old scientist. “X stands for hard work ,Y for good method (方法) and Z means stop talking and get down to work.”

1. The young man _________.

A. wanted to meet Einstein

B. wanted to be a great scientist like Einstein

C. was eager (渴望) to know the secret of success

D. wanted to be a student of Einstein

2. In Einstein’s opinion the secret of success was ________.

A. to work with great energy (精力,活力)

B. to study hard day and night

C. to learn from great scientists

D. to raise (提出)questions as many as you could

3. “Y” stands for _______.

A. hard work     B. great energy    C. great success    D. good manner (方法)

4. The word “annoyed” means ________.

A. angry         B. sad             C. lovely           D. glad

5. Einstein was a man who ______

A. liked to talk with young people

B. liked to help others

C. liked to make friends with young people

D. liked to work, but didn’t like to talk

Passage 23

British newspapers are much smaller than they used to be and their readers are often in a hurry ,so newspapermen write as few words as possible .They tell their readers at once what happened ,where ,when and how it happened and what was the result : how many people were killed ,what change was done and so on .Readers want the fact(事实) set out as fully and accurately as possible .Readers are also interested in the people who have seen the accident. So a newspaperman always likes to get some information (信息)from someone who was there, which can be given in the person’s own words .Because he can use only a few words ,the newspaperman must choose those words carefully ,every one must be effective(有效). Instead of “he called out in a loud voice”, he writes “ he shouted”; instead of “the loose stones rolled noisily down the side of the mountain”, he will write “ they thundered down the mountainside”. Because many of the readers aren’t very clever, and most of them are in a hurry.

1. From the text, we learn that newspapermen write as few words as possible, because readers___.  

A. want to know more about the news

B. take no interest in what has happened    

C. have no time to read the news carefully   

D. pay much attention to the result

2. The underlined word “one” in the text refers to ______.  

A. word       B. newspaperman        C. reader         D. person 

3. Which of the following would best complete the text?

A. he will keep his writing short 

B. he won’t care about his writing 

C. he will give nothing but information 

D. he won’t make his writing good enough. 

4. In what way do you think British newspapers have become smaller?

A. In a page size.             B. In number of readers.

C. In number of pages.         D. In number of copies

5. Which of the following is true?

A. Readers are not satisfied with the short news. 

B. Not many people have time to read the long articles in newspapers.

C. Readers find the language of the newspapers exciting.

D. Newspapermen try to report as fully as possible.

Passage 24

The story happened during the Second World War(战争). An old man lived in a small town of Germany. He had three sons and they all worked in the same factory where he had worked. After the war had begun, his sons were all made to join the army one after another and they all died in the frights. The old man was very sad. He didn’t have enough food and was often hungry. And nobody helped him and he didn’t know how to go in living.

It was a very cold winter night. The old man couldn’t go to sleep. He had been hungry for two days and it was so cold in his room that ice could be seen. He had to get up and begun to run in the room until he lay down on the ground. The next morning he had to beg from door to door. He had been to a lot of cities and knew a lot.

Once he came to a village, but the villages were all poor and couldn’t give him anything. He was too hungry to go to another village. He thought hard and found a way. He came to a police station and called out , “Hitler is a foolish pig (希特勒是蠢猪)

Out came an old policeman at once. He took the old man into a room, gave him some bread and a cup of tea. Then he said, “Don’t say in our village, sir!”

I’m sorry, sir.” said the old man. “I don’t know its Hitler’s hometown.”

No, no, sir.” The policeman said in a hurry. “It’s pig’s hometown!”

1. The old man was ___________.

A. a German      B. a French      C. an Australian       D. an Englishman

2. The old man was sad because ________.

A. his three sons all died during the war

B. His three sons had to join the army

C. He had no food or clothes

D. He lived in the small town alone

3. The old man got up and ran in his room to ________.

A. keep healthyB. Forget he was sad and hungry

C. Make him warm D. Find a way to forget he was hungry

4. The old man shouted outside the police station because______

A. he hated Hitler very much

B. he hoped the policeman could help him

C. he wanted to make the policemen angry

D. he thought the he would be given some food in prison (监狱)

5. Which statement is true?

A. The old policeman hated Hitler, too

B. The old policeman found that the old man his best friend

C. The old policeman would send the old man in prison

D. The old policeman liked Hitler better than pigs

Passage 25

Miss Gorgers taught physics in a New York school. Last month she explained to one of her classes about sound, and she decided to test them to see how successful she had been in her explanation. She said to them, “Now I have a brother in Los Angeles. If I was calling him on the phone and at the same time you were 75 feet away, listening to me from across the street, which of you would hear what I said earlier, my brother or you and for what reason?”

Tom at once answered, “Your brother. Because electricity travels faster than sound waves.” “That’s very good,” Miss Gorgers answered; but then one of the girls raised her hand, and Miss Gorgers said, “Yes, Kate?”

I disagree,” Kate said. “Your brother would hear you earlier because when it’s 11 o’clock here it’s only 8 o’clock in Los Angeles.”

1. Miss Gorgers was teaching her class.

A. how to telephone       B. about electricity

C. about time zone(时区)   D. about sound

2. Miss Gorgers asked this question because she wanted to know whether .

A. it was easy to phone to Los Angeles

B. her student could hear her from 75 feet away

C. her students had grasped(理解)her lesson

D. sound waves were slower than electricity

3. Tom thought that electricity was.

A. slower than sound waves   B. faster than sound waves

C. not so fast as sound waves   D. as fast as sound waves

4. Kate thought Tom was wrong because.

A. clocks in Los Angeles showed a different time from those in New York

B. electricity was slower than sound waves

C. Tom was not good at physics at all

D. Tom’s answer had nothing to do with sound waves

5. Whose answer do you think is correct according to the law of physics?

A. Tom’s           B. Kate’s     C. Both A and B    D. Neither A nor B

Passage 26

It was Monday. Mrs. Smith’s dog was hungry, but there was not any meat in the house.

Considering that there was no better way. Mrs. Smith took a piece of paper, and wrote the following words on it: “Give my dog half a pound of meat.” Then she gave the paper to her dog and said gently: “Take this to the butcher (person whose job is selling meat), and he’s going to give you your lunch today.”

Holding the piece of paper in its mouth, the dog ran to the butcher’s. It gave the paper to the butcher. The butcher read it carefully, recognized that it was really the lady’s handwriting and soon did it as he was asked to. The dog was very happy, and ate the meat up at once.

At noon, the dog came to the shop again. It gave the butcher a piece of paper again. After reading it, he gave it half a pound of meat once more.

The next day, the dog came again exactly at noon. And as usual, it brought a piece of paper in the mouth. This time, the butcher did not take a look at paper, and gave the dog its meat, for he had regarded the dog as one of his customers (* people who buy something from a shop).

But, the dog came again at four o’clock. And the same thing happened once again. To the butcher’s more surprise, it came for the third time at six o’clock, and brought with it a third piece of paper. The butcher felt a bit puzzled. He said to himself, “This is a small dog. Why does Mrs. Smith give it so much meat to eat today?”

Looking at the piece of paper, he found that there were not any words on it!

1. Mrs. Smith treated her little dog quite.

A. cruelly    B. fairly       C. kindly      D. unfriendly

2. It seemed that the dog knew well that the paper Mrs. Smith gave it .

A. might do it much harm.          B. could do it much good

C. would help the butcher          D. was worth many pounds

3. The butcher did not give any meat to the dog.

A. before he felt sure that the words were really written by Mrs. Smith

B. when he found that the words on the paper were not clear

C. because he had sold out all the meat in his shop

D. until he was paid enough by Mrs. Smith

4. From its experience, the dog found that.

A. only the paper with Mrs. Smith’s words on it could bring it meat

B. the butcher would give the meat to it whenever he saw it

C. Mrs. Smith would pay for the meat it got from the butcher

D. a piece of paper could bring it half a pound of meat

5. At the end of the story, you’ll find that.

A. the dog was clever enough to write on the paper

B. the dog dared not go to the butcher’s any more

C. the butcher was told not to give any meat to the dog

D. the butcher found himself cheated (* act in a way that is not honest) by the clever animal

Passage 27

Mr. King is a tall and strong man. He teaches P. E. in a middle school. He wears a long beard(胡子)and takes good care of it.

It was Sunday yesterday. There was a big football match of the year on the playground in the centre of the city. Mr. King likes the game very much and of course he was going to watch it. With his friends’ help he got a ticket a few days ago. After breakfast he hurried to the bus stop, but a lot of people were waiting there. A bus came and he hardly got on. There were plenty of people in it and it was difficult for them to put their feet. He had to grip(抓住)the back of a chair. At the next stop a boy got on the bus. He looked around and saw Mr. King’s beard and grip it. The man found it at once and called out, “Let go of(松开)my beard, boy!”

Are you going to get off, sir?” asked to boy.

1. Mr. King is a.

A. player        B. runner       C. teacher        D. driver

2. Mr. King was going to watch the match because .

A. he teaches P. E. in a middle school B. he likes football very much

C. he had already got a ticket D. he didn’t go to work yesterday

3. It was difficult for Mr. King to stand because.

A. he had drunk too much B. the bus was too small

C. he got on the bus too late D. it was very crowded in the bus

4. The boy gripped Mr. King’s beard because  .

A. he was afraid to fall again B. he wanted to make the man angry

C. he hoped the man to find a seat for him D. he hoped the man to get off soon

5. Mr. King was afraid, so he shouted at him.

A. the boy would pull him down B. the boy would hurt his beard

C. the boy could be hurt again D. the boy would borrow his ticket

Passage 28

On Nov.18th,1908,three men went up in a balloon(气球).They started early in London. The headman was Augusta Gaudron, and the other two men were Tannar and Maitland. They had a big balloon and they were ready for a long way.

Soon they heard the sea. They were carrying the usual rope(绳子),and it was hanging down from the basket of the balloon. At the end of the rope they had tied a metal box. This could hold water, or it could be empty. So they were able to change its weight(重量).It was for use over the sea. They were also carrying some bags of sand.

After the sun rose, the balloon went higher. It went up to 3,000 meters, and the air was very cold. The water in the balloon became ice. Snow fell past the men’s basket, and they could see more snow on the ground. The men tried to throw out some more sand; but it was hard. They tried to break the icy sand with their knives, but it was not easy. The work was slow and they were still falling, so they had to drop some whole bags of sand. One of them fell on an icy lake and made a black hole in the ice.

At last they pulled the box into the basket. It was still snowing; so they climbed to get away from the snow. They rose to 5,100 meters! Everything became icy. They were so cold that they decided to land. They came down in Poland heavily but safely. They had travelled 1,797 kilometers from London!

1. Three men flew in balloon ________.

A. for nearly 1,800 kilometers      B. to another city

C. to visit Poland                D. more than a century later

2. The metal box was used for ________.

A. carrying the bags of sand       B. keeping drinking-water

C. carrying ropes of the basket     D. changing weight

3. When the balloon went up higher, ________.

A. the temperature of the balloon began to fall        

B. They saw the sun go down

C. They made a hole in the basket with their knives

D. They could see a black hole on the ground

4. The balloon landed ________.

A. in London   B. on the sea       C. on a lake    D. in a foreign country

5. Which of the following is NOT true?________

A. The three men started their journey before the sun rose.

B. The balloon began to go up when they threw bags of sand out of the basket.

C. When they pulled the box into the basket, the balloon began to climb up.

D. The three men had to land because they felt cold.

Passage 29

Americans with small families own a small car or a large one. If both parents are working, they usually have two cars. When the family is large, one of the cars is sold and they will buy a van(住房汽车)

A small car can hold(容纳)four persons and a large car can hold six persons but it is very crowded(拥挤). A van hold seven persons easily, so a family three children could ask their grandparents to go on a holiday travel. They could all travel together.

Mr. Hagen and his wife had a third child last year. This made them sell a second car and bus a van. Their children sixth and seventh seat are used to put other things, for a family of five must carry many suitcases(衣箱)when they travel. When they arrive at their grandparents’ home, the suitcases are brought into the two seats can then carry the grandparents.

Americans call vans motor homes. A motor home is always used for holidays. When a family is traveling to the mountains or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or to the seaside, they can live in their motor home for a few days or weeks. All the members of a big family can enjoy a happier life when they are traveling together. That is why motor homes have become very popular. In America there are many parks for motor homes.

1. From the passage, a van is also called ____________.

A. a motor car     B. a motor home     C. a motorbike      D. a big truck

2. Before Mr. Hagen and his wife bought a van, they__________.

A. sold their old house                 B. moved to their grandparents’ house

C. built a new place for a van            D. sold their second car

3. A motor home is usually owned by a family with__________.

A. a baby B. much money C. more than two children D. interest in vans

4. Americans usually use motor homer____________.

A. to travel with all the family members of holiday

B. to do some shopping with all the family members

C. to visit their grandparents at weekends

D. to drive their children to school every day

5. Motor homes have become popular because___________.

A. they can take people to another city when people are free

B. they can let families have a happier life when they go out for their holidays

C. some people think motor homes are cheap

D. big families can put more things in motor homes

Passage 30

One day he went on a long way alone. Before he left homehis wife saidNow you have all these things. You need them on your way. Take care of your things on the way. He went to the station. He bought a ticket and got on the train with it.

About an hour laterthe conductor began to see the tickets. He came to the old man and saidWill you please show me your ticket? The old man looked for his ticket in all his pockets but he could not find it. He was very worried. I can’t find my ticket. I really bought a ticket before I got on the train, said the old man.

I think you are right. I believe you bought a ticket. All rightyou don’t have to buy another ticketsaid the conductor kindly. But the old man still(仍然) looked worried and said sadlyYou don’t know why I’m worried. If I don’t find my ticketI cant remember my station. Where am I going?

1. The old man bought a ticket _______.

A. after he got on the train

B. before he got on the train

C. when the conductor told him to buy one

D. when he found he had no ticket with him

2. About an hour laterthe conductor began _______.

A. to buy the ticketsB. to look for the tickets

C. to check (检查) the ticketsD. to show the tickets

3. The conductor told the old man that he didn’t need to buy another ticket because _________.

A. the man was very old

B. he thought the old man had no money with him

C. the old man showed him the ticket

D. he believed the old man

4. The old man still looked worried because _________.

A. he couldn’t get on the train.

B. he lost his ticket and a lot of money

C. he thought his wife would get angry with him

D. he forgot where he was going

5. Which of the following(下列) is right?

A. The old man went on the trip with his wife

B. The old man didn’t find his ticket

C. The conductor was also an old man

D. The old man had to buy another ticket

Passage 31

Mrs. Weeks was reading a newspaper story to her class. The story said: Were you ever in a hospital when you were small? How did you feel? The doctors in Children’s Hospital are asking for money for children’s toys(玩具). Some children in the hospital must stay in bed for many weeks. Toys are needed to keep these sick(生病的)children happy and quiet. Money for them can be sent to the hospital.

After Mrs. Weeks read the story, she said, “This story gave me an idea.” “You want us to bring some money for the toys. We could bring some of our own toys for the children in the hospital,” said the boys and girls one after another. “Wellyour ideas would be nice,” Mrs. Weeks said, “But mine is different.” “We could make some toys.” shouted one of them.

Mrs. Weeks smiled. “Do you think you could make toys?” she asked.

Yes, yes.” the whole class answered.

Great! Let’s begin to make toys tomorrow.” said Mrs. Weeks.

On Saturday afternoon, Mrs. Weeks took children to the hospital with the toys made by her students. The children in the class felt happy, too.

A few days laterMrs. Weeks read another newspaper story to the class “Some school pupils brought toys to Children’s Hospital last week. The toys were made by the pupils of Grade Three in Green Street School.” The doctor said, “We have never had so many wonderful toys. Our children are very happy with them.” They say,’THANK YOUGRADE THREE.’

1. What was the first newspaper story mainly(主要)about?

A. Sick children in Children’s Hospital

B. Doctors in Children’s Hospital.

C. Mrs. Weeks and her students.

D. Toys made by the boys and girls.

2. What idea did Mrs. Weeks have in mind?

A. Ask the class to give some money to the children in the hospital.

B. Ask the class to send some of their own toys to the children in the hospital.

C. Let the class makes some toys themselves and gives them to the children in the hospital.

D. Tell the class to go to see the children in the hospital.

3. Doctors in Children’s Hospital didn’t have ____ to keep the children happy and quiet.

A. enough time                      B. enough boys and girls

C. get money to buy toys for           D. enough doctors

4. At first, the doctors in Children’s Hospital wanted to ____ the sick children.

A. give some money to B. make some toys for

C. get money to buy toys for D. borrow some toys for

5. What Mrs. Weeks really wanted to do is to ____.

A. let everyone know her class

B. save some money for toys

C. make herself famous

D. teach the pupils to do things themselves and be helpful to others

Passage 32

Mr. Smith made many tests (作试验) with different animals and the monkey was the cleverest of all the animals. One day Mr. Smith put a monkey in a room. He also put some small boxes in it. In one of the boxes there was some food. “How long will it take the monkey to find the food?” Mr. Smith said to himself. “Let me wait and see.” He left the room and waited outside. Three minutes later, he put his eye to the keyhole (钥匙眼). What did he see? He saw the eye of the monkey. The monkey was on the other side of the door and looked at Mr. Smith through the keyhole.

1. Mr. Smith made tests with __________.

A. different animals                 B. the monkey only

C. all the monkeys                  D. all of the cleverest animals

2. There was some food in _______ of the small boxes.

A. some             B. none            C. one              D. each

3. Mr. Smith put a monkey and some boxes in a room because he wanted to know___________.

A. how much food monkey could find

B. how many boxes the monkey could carry

C. how long it would take the monkey to put its eye to the keyhole

D. how long it would take the monkey to find the food

4. What was the monkey doing when Mr. Smith was putting his eye to the keyhole?

A. The monkey was eating food.

B. The monkey was looking for food.

C. The monkey was eating on the other side of the door.

D. The monkey was looking at Mr. Smith through the keyhole.

5. Mr. Smith is a ________.

A. teacher        B. scientist (科学家)      C. doctor       D. farm worker

Passage 33

Do you need friends? I’m sure your answer is “Yes, of course. Everybody does!” You need friends when you play and when you work. If you have friends, you will feel happy. If you have no friends, you will feel lonely (寂寞的). Do you know how to make friends? There is only one good way ―You make friends by being friendly. A friendly person is interested in other people. He is always helpful. If you want to make friends with a new classmate, you can talk with him, tell him about the other classmates in your class and try your best to be helpful to him.

1. We need friends __________.

A. because we must play with them

B. Because we must work with them

C. when we play and when we work

D. when we talk with them

2. If we want to make friends, we should __________.

A. be politely to them B. be friendly to them.

C. be afraid of them D. when we talk with them.

3. A friendly person is _________ other people.

A. interested in      B. worried about      C. surprised at     D. like them

4. If we want to make friends with a new classmate, ___________.

A. we can talk with them              

B. we must try to help him

C. we can tell him about the other classmates in our class

D. AB and C

5. Which of the following is true?

A. No one needs friends.                 B. Everyone needs friends.

C. Only classmates need friends.           D. Someone needs friends.

Passage 34

In the morning Mr. Smith comes into the garden at the back of his house. He sees so much snow in the garden. Mr. Smith wants to take his car outso he asks a man to clean the road from his garage(车库)to the gate. He says to the man"Don’t throw any snow on that side. It will damage(损坏)the flowers in my garden, and don’t throw any on the other side for it will damage the wall. And don’t throw any into the streetor the policeman will come. Then he goes out.

When he comes back, the path is clean. There is no snow on the flowers, on the wall or in the street. But when he opens the garage to get his car out, he sees, the garage is full of snow. The snow from the path and his car is under the snow!

1. In the morning Mr. Smith finds ______is full of snow.

A. his garden       B. his garage         C. his house         D. his car

2. He wants a man to clean the road. He _______ .

A. doesn’t like snow at all            

B. likes the clean road

C. wants to take his car out of the garage

D. often asks the man to do something

3. Where does Mr. Smith tell the man to throw the snow in the garden?

A. On the flowers   B. Into the street     C. On the wall    D. We don’t know

4. He opens the garage________.

A. and takes his car out             B. and finds it’s full of snow

C. and finds there is no air in        D. and takes snow out

5. Where is Mr. Smith’s car?

A. Under the snow from the road     B. in the street

C. Near the road                  D. in front of his house

Passage 35

Most people have flown a kite or have seen one ride and dip(下降) in strong spring wind. Not so many people know that kites were first made in China thousands of years ago. The ancient (古代的) Chinese were making and flying kites even before they were writing.

A long time ago, the Chinese made kites to use in wars. They would fly these war kites in the dark. The kites were fixed (固定) so that they made strange sounds. Men who were at war with them would hear these sounds and run away. They thought those strange sounds were made by gods() in the sky.

The ancient Chinese also flew kites to bring good luck and to make their crops(农作物) grow rich and tall. Sometimes they tied long strings (细绳) and hooks () to their kites. Then they would fly the kites over water, letting the hooks hang down to catch fish.

The Chinese use sticks(树枝), strings(线) and paper for their kites. Some of these kites look like animals or trees. Others look like birds or houses.

1. The main idea of the first paragraph is that

A. kites were first made in China

B. most of us have flown or seen a kite

C. the ancient Chinese were making kites before they were writing

D. the ancient Chinese were good at making kites

2. In ancient China kites could be used for ___.

A. catching fish                    B. helping people fly

C. watering the crops               D. helping people walk in the dark

3. The ancient Chinese used kites in wars because the kites ____.

A. could bring good luck             B. looked like animals

C. could help them win a war          D. could fly high

4. The Chinese usually use ____ for their kites.

A. sticks, strings and grass            B. strings, hair and wood

C. paper, strings and sticks            D. paper, ropes and hooks

5. What is the best title of this passage?

A. Lucky Kites.   B. Strange Kites.    C. Beautiful Kites.    D. Chinese Kites

Passage 36

In England nobody under eighteen years old is allowed to drink in a bar.  

Mr. Thompson often went to a bar near his house. But he never took his son, Tom, because he was too young. Then when Tom had his eighteenth birthday, Mr. Thompson took him to his usual bar for the first time. They drank for an hour. Tom drank a bit. Then Mr. Thompson said to his son,” Now, Tom, I want to teach you a useful lesson. How do you know when you’ve had enough? Well, I’ll tell you. Do you see those two lights at the end of the bar? When they seem to become four, you’ve had enough and should go home. ”

But, Dad,” said Tom, ”I can only see one light at the end of the bar.”

1. Young people ______ allowed to drink in a bar until eighteen.  

A. is not          B. are not          C. many            D. must

2. When Tom was a child, his father often went to a nearby bar______ taking him.  

A. by            B. for              C. with            D. without

3. On Tom’s eighteenth birthday, he drank together with his father in that bar for ______.  

A. the first time                       B. once

C. many times                        D. eighteen times

4. Father wanted to tell his son ______.  

A. the time to drink                    B. something about the light

C. when to stop drinking                D. something about the bar

5. In fact (事实上), there ______ at the end of the bar.  

A. was one light                       B. were two lights  

C. were three lights                    D. were four lights

Passage 37

In 1620, about half the USA was covered by forests. Today the forests have almost gone. A lot of good land has gone with them, leaving only sand. China doesn’t want to copy the USA’s example. We’re planting more and more trees. We’ve built the “Great Green Wall" of trees across northern part of our country. The Great Green Wall is 7,000 kilometers long, and between 400 and 1,700 kilometers wide. It will stop the wind from blowing the earth away. It will stop the sand from moving towards the rich farmland in the south. More "Great Green Walls" are needed. Trees must be grown all over the world. Great Green Walls will make the world better.

1. In 1620, about ______ the USA was covered by forests.

A. a third            B. half            C. two thirds         D. a fourth

2. A lot of good land has gone with ______.

A. sand              B. water          C. wind             D. forests

3. The Great Green Wall in China is ______ long.

A. 7,000 kilometers                      B. 1,700 kilometers   

C. 7,000 meters                         D. 400 kilometers

4. Trees must be grown in ______.

A. China        B. the USA   C. some countries   D. every part of the world

5. ______ will make the world better.

A. The Great Wall                 B. Tall buildings   

C. Great Green Walls              D. Flowers and grass

Passage 38

Cool” is a word with many meanings. Its old meaning is used to express a temperature that is a little bit cold. As the world has changedthe word has had many different meaning.  

Cool” can be used to express feelings of interest in almost anything. When you see a famous car in the streetmaybe you will say,”It’s cool. ”You may think,”He’s so cool,”when you see your favorite footballer.  

We all maximize(扩大) the meaning of ”cool”. You can use it instead of many words such as “new” or “surprising”. Here’s an interesting story we can use to show the way the word is used. A teacher asked her students to write about the waterfall(瀑布)they had visited. On one student’s paper was just the one sentence,”It’s so cool. Maybe he thought it was the best way to show what he saw and felt.  

But the story also shows a scarcity(缺乏)of words. Without “cool”some people have no words to show the same meaning. So it is quite important to keep some credibility(可信性). Can you think of many other words that make your life as colorful as the word “cool”I can. And I think they are also very cool.  

1. We know that the word “cool” has had ________.

A. only one meaning                   B. no meanings

C. many different meanings             D. the same meaning

2. In the passagethe word ”express” means ”________”.

A. see             B. show           C. know          D. feel

3. If you are _______ somethingyou may say,”It’s cool. ”

A. interested in      B. angry about      C. afraid of       D. unhappy with

4. The writer takes an example to show he is ________ the way the word is used.  

A. pleased with       B. strange to      C. worried about   D. careful with

5. In the passagethe writer suggests(暗示)that the word “cool”________.  

A. can be used instead of many words

B. usually means something interesting

C. can make your life colorful

D. may not be as cool as it seems

Passage 39

A friend of mine named Paul received an expensive car from his brother as a Christmas present. On Christmas Eve when Paul came out of his officea street urchin(顽童) was walking around the shining car. ”Is this your carPaul?”he asked.  Paul answered,“Yesmy brother gave it to me for Christmas.” The boy was surprised. “You mean your brother gave it to you and it didn’t cost you anythingBoyI wish…” He hesitated(犹豫).  

Of coursePaul knew what he was going to wish for. He was going to wish he had a brother like that. But what the boy said surprised Paul greatly.

I wish,” the boy went on,” that I could be a brother like that. ”Paul looked at the boy in surprise, then he said again, “Would you like to take a ride in my car?”

Oh yesI’d love that. ”

After a short ridethe boy turned and with his eyes shiningsaid,”Paulwould you mind driving in front of my house?”

Paul smiled a little. He thought he knew what the boy wanted. He wanted to show his neighbors that he could ride home in a big car. But Paul was wrong again. “Will you stop where those two steps are?” the boy asked.  

He ran up to the steps. Then in a short while Paul heard him coming back, but he was not coming fast. He was carrying his little crippled(残疾的) brother. He sat him down on the step and pointed to the car.

There she is, Buddy, just like I told you upstairs. His brother gave it to him for Christmas and it didn’t cost him a cent. And some day I’m going to give you one just like it… then you can see for yourself all the nice things in the Christmas windows that I’ve been trying to tell you about.”

Paul got out and lifted the boy to the front seat of his car. The shining-eyed older brother climbed in beside him and the three of them began an unforgettable(难忘的) holiday ride.

1. The street urchin was very surprised when ________.  

A. Paul received an expensive car     B. Paul told him about the car

C. he saw the shining car            D. he was walking around the car

2. From the story we can see the urchin ________.  

A. wished to give his brother a car

B. wanted Paul’s brother to give him a car

C. wished he could have a brother like Paul’s

D. wished Paul could be a brother like that

3. The urchin asked Paul to stop his car in front of his house ________.  

A. to show his neighbors the big car  B. to show he had a rich friend

C. to let his brother ride in the car     D. to tell his brother about his wish

4. We can infer(推断)from the story that ________.  

A. Paul couldn’t understand the urchin

B. the urchin had a deep love for his brother

C. the urchin wished to have a rich brother

D. the urchin’s wish came true in the end

5. The best name of the name story is _________.  

A. A Christmas Present            B. A Street Urchin

C. A Brother Like That            D. An Unforgettable Holiday Ride

Passage 40

A Faithful(忠实的) Dog

More than seven hundred years ago, the Prince of Wales had a very big and brave dog called Gelert.

One day the Prince wanted to go hunting with his men. He told his dog to stay at home and look after his baby son. The baby was in a wooden cradle(摇篮), which was like a small bed.

When the Prince came back from hunting, Gelert ran out to meet his master. He wagged(摇) his tail and jumped up to put his paws( 手爪 )on the Prince’s chest. Then the Prince saw the blood on Gelert’s jaws(颚) and head.

"What have you done?" the Prince said. He rushed into his house and looked for his baby son. The cradle was lying on its side on the floor. The clothes were torn and there was blood on them.

"So you have killed my son?" the Prince said angrily. "You unfaithful dog!" He took out his sword and killed the dog. Just as Gelert was dying, he managed to bark. Then the Prince heard a baby call to the dog.

The Prince ran out of the house and saw his son lying on the ground unhurt. Near him was a dead wolf. Then the Prince knew that Gelert had defended(保卫) the baby and killed the wolf.

The Prince ran back into the house but he was too late. Gelert was dead. The Prince was very sad indeed. Tears ran down his face when he realized ‘he had killed his faithful friend. The Prince carried the body of his brave dog to the top of a mountain and buried him there. After this, the Prince never smiled again. Every morning at dawn, he walked up the mountain and stood by the dog’s grave for a few minutes.

If you go to Mount Snowdon in Wales, people will show you where Gelert is buried. There is a sign by his grave. It reminds people of a brave and faithful dog.

1. Gelert was the dog of the Prince of ___.

A. Scotland          B. England          C. Ireland          D. Wales

2. The Prince told the dog to _____ when he was leaving.

A. watch the door                         B. take care of his baby at home

C. welcome his friends                     D. stop the strangers

3. The dog was very ____ when his master came back from hunting.

A. glad             B. fearful            C. afraid           D. tired

4. The Prince was surprised to see blood on Gelert’s ____.

A. jaws             B. paws             C. head       D. Both A and C.

5. The Prince never smiled again because __

A. the wolf was killed by Gelert

B. he had buried the dog on the top of mountain

C. he had killed his faithful friend Gelert

D. Gelert had killed his baby son

Passage 41

We are all busy talking about and using the Internet, but how many of us know the history of the Internet?

Many people are surprised when they find that the Internet was set up in the 1960s. At that time, computers were large and expensive. Computer networks didn’t work well. If one computer in the network broke down, then the whole network stopped. So a new network system had to be set up. It should be good enough to be used by many different computers. If part of the network was not working, information could be sent through another part. In this way computer network system would keep on working all the time.

At first the Internet was only used by the government, but in the early 1970s, universities, hospitals and banks were allowed to use it too. However, computers were still very expensive and the Internet was difficult to use. By the start of the 1990s, computers became cheaper and easier to use. Scientists had also developed software that made "surfing" the Internet more convenient.

Today it is easy to get on-line and it is said that millions of people use the Internet every day. Sending e-mail is more and more popular among students.

The Internet has now become one of the most important parts of people’s life.

1. The Internet has a history of more than ___ years.

A. sixty            B. ten           C. thirty             D. twenty

2. A new network system was set up to ____.

A. make computers cheaper         B. make itself keep on working all the time

C. break down the whole network    D. make computers large and expensive

3. At first the Internet was only used by ______.

A. the government   B. universities     C. hospitals and banks    D. schools

4. ______ made "surfing" the Internet more convenient.

A. Computers       B. Scientists        C. Software        D. Information

5. Which of the following is true?

A. In the 1960s, computer networks worked well.

B. In the early 1970s, the Internet was easy to use.

C. Sending e-mail is now more popular among students than before.

D. Today it’s still not easy to get on-line.

Passage 42


The world itself is becoming much smaller by using modem traffic and modern communication means (通讯设备). Life today is much easier than it was hundreds of years ago, but it has brought new problems. One of the biggest is pollution. To pollute means to make things dirty. Pollution comes in many ways. We see it, smell it, drink it and even hear it.

Man has been polluting the earth. The more people, the more pollution. Many years ago, the problem was not so serious because there were not so many people. When the land was used up or the river was dirty in one place, Man moved to another place. But this is no longer true. Man is now slowly polluting the whole world.

Air pollution is still the most serious. It’s bad for all living things in the world, but it is not the only one kind of pollution. Water pollution kills our fish and pollutes our drinking water. Noise pollution makes us angry more easily.

Many countries are making rules to fight pollution. They stop people from burning coal in houses and factories in the city, and from putting dirty smoke into the air.

Pollution by SO2 is now the most dangerous kind of air pollution. It is caused  by heavy traffic. It is sure that if there are fewer people driving, there will be less air pollution.

The earth is our home. We must take care of it. That means keeping the land, water and air clean. And we must take care of the rise in population at the same time.

1. Our world is becoming much smaller ___.

A. because the earth is being polluted day and night.    

B. thanks to science development

C. because of the rise in population   

D. because the earth is blown away by the wind every year

2. Thousands of years ago, life was ____ it is today.

A. much easier than                       B. as easy as    

C. as hard as                             D. much harder than

3. Pollution comes in many ways. We can even hear it. Here "it" means ____.

A. water pollution                        B. air pollution

C. noise pollution                         D. rubbish (垃圾)

4. Air pollution is the most serious kind of pollution because ____.

A. it’s bad for all living things in the world     B. it makes much noise

C. it makes our rivers and lakes dirty          D. it makes us angry more easily

5. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Many countries are making rules to fight pollution.

B. The pollution of the earth grows as fast as the world’s population does.

C. If people could go to work by bus or bike instead of car or motorbike it would be helpful in fighting against the problem of SO2.

D. The problem of pollution is not so serious because there are not so many people living on the earth.

Passage 43

Long, long ago there were only a few thousand people in the world. These people move form place to place over the land, hunting animals for food.

No one knows how or when these people learned about growing food. But when they did, their lives changed. They did not have to look for food any more. They could stay in one place and grow it.

People began to live near one another. And so the first village grew. Many people came to work in the villages. These villages grew very big. When machines appeared, life in the villages changed again. Factories were built. More and more people lived near the factories. The cities grew very big.

Today some people are moving back to small towns. Can you tell why?

1. The best title of the text should be ___.

A. Cities or Villages                     B. Back to Towns  

C. How Cities Grew                     D. People and Animals

2. The underlined word "they" in the second paragraph refers to ___.

A. villages          B. animals          C. cities          D. people

3. When factories were built, ___.

A. more people live near the factories       

B. people began to live in the factories

C. many people began to work in villages    

D. many machines appeared in big factories

4. We can learn from the text that ___.

A. people like to work only in big cities           

B. some people don’t like to live in big cities

C. there will be no small towns in the future  

D. it is better to live in cities than in villages

5. In what order did people do the following things?

a. Worked in villages       b. Lived near the factories.

c. Learned to grow food.    d. Built factories.

e. Began to live near each other.

A. d, b, a, e, c                      B. e, a, c, d, b,

C. c, e, a, d, b                      D. a. c. d. e. b

Passage 44

In England recently three foreign gentlemen came to a bus stop and waited. About five minutes later, the bus they wanted came along. They were just going to get on when suddenly there was a loud noise behind them. People rushed onto the bus and tried to push them out of the way. Someone shouted at them. The bus conductor came rushing down the stairs to see what all the trouble was about. The three foreigners seem all at sea and looked embarrassed. No one had told them about the British custom of lining up for a bus that the first person who arrives at the bus stop is the first person to get on the bus .

Learning the language of a country isn’t enough. If you want to have a pleasant visit, find out as much as possible about the manners and customs of your host country. You will probably be surprised just how different they can be from your own. A visitor to India would do well to remember that people there consider it impolite to use the left hand for passing food at table. The left hand is supposed to be used for washing yourself. Also in India, you might see a man shaking his head at another to show that he doesn’t agree. But in many parts of India a shake of the head means agreement. Nodding your head when you are given a drink in Bulgaria will most probably leave you thirsty.

In that country, you shake your head to mean ‘yes’— a nod means ‘no’ . At a meal in countries on the Arabic Peninsula, you will find that your glass is repeated refilled as soon as you drink up . If you think that you have had enough , you should take the cup or glasses in your hand and give it a little shake from side to side or place your hand over the top.

In Europe, it quite usual to cross your legs when you are sitting, talking to someone even at an important meeting. Doing this in Thailand, however, could bring about trouble. Also, you should try to avoid touching the head of an adult ——it’s just not done in Thailand .

1. The British people tried to push the three gentlemen out of the way, because the gentlemen _________ .

A. were foreignersB. didn’t have tickets

C. made a loud noiseD. didn’t line up for the bus

2. According to the article, if you want to have a pleasant journey in a foreign country, you should _________.

A. learn the language of the country

B. understand the manners and customs of the country

C. have enough time and money

D. make friends with the people there

3. In India it is considered impolite ___________.

A. to use the right hand for passing food at table.

B. to pass food with the left hand.

C. to eat food with your hands.

D. to help yourself at table.

4. To cross one’s legs at an important meeting in Europe is _______.

A. a common habitB. an important manner

C. a serious trouble D. a bad manner

5. The best title for this article is ________.

A. People’s Everyday LifeB. Mind Your Manners

C. Shaking and Nodding HeadD. Taking a Bus in England

Passage 45

Tom walked into a shop. It bad a sign outside: "Second-hand clothes bought and sold . "He was carrying an old pair of trousers and asked the owner of the shop, "How much will you give me for these?" The man looked at them and then said: "Two dollars."

"What!" said Tom. "I had guessed they were worth at least five dollars."

"No," said the man, "they aren’t worth a cent more than two dollars."

"Well," said Tom, taking two dollars out of his pocket. "Here’s your money. These trousers were hanging outside your shop. The list price (标价)of them was six dollars and a half. But I thought that was too much money, so I wanted to find out how much they were really worth."

Then he walked out of the shop with the pair of trousers and disappeared before the shop owner could think of anything to say.

1. At first the owner of the shop thought that Tom __________ .

A. wanted to steal the trousersB. wanted to sell the trousers

C. wanted to fool himD. wanted to buy the trousers

2. The owner of the shop_______for the old trousers .

A. would give Tom two dollarsB. would pay three dollars

C. would pay five dollarsD. would give Tom six dollars and a half

3. The shop owner insisted that the trousers were worth only two dollars because ____ .

A. he wanted to sell them cheaplyB. he wanted to buy them cheaply

C. he didn’t like the trousersD. they were old and dirty

4. In fact, the trousers _________.

A. were hanging inside the shopB. were stolen by Tom from the shop

C. had been the shop owner’sD. had been Tom’s

5. From the story we know that _________ cheaper than the list price.

A. the owner sold the trousers two dollars

B. Tom sold the trousers one dollar and a half

C. the owner bought the trousers three dollars

D. Tom bought the trousers four dollars and a half

Passage 46

Have you ever been ill? When you are illyou must be unhappy because your body becomes hotand there are pains all over your body. You don’t want to workyou stay in bedfeeling very sad.

What makes us ill? It is germs(细菌). Germs are everywhere. They are very small and you can’t find them with your eyesbut you can see them with a microscope. They are very small and there could be hundreds of them on a very small thing.

Germs are always found in dirty water. When we look at dirty water under the microscopewe shall see them in it. So your father and mother will not let you drink dirty water.

Germs aren’t found only in water. They are found in air and dust. If you cut your fingerif some of the dust from the floor goes into the cut(割开处)some of the germs would go into your finger. Your finger would become big and redand you will have much pain in it. Sometimes the germs would go into all of your bodyand you would have pain everywhere.

1. Which of the following is TRUE?

A. If things are very smallthey are germs.

B. If things can’t be seenthey must be germs.

C. Germs are only in dirty water.

D. Germs are everywhere around us.

2. What is a microscope used for?

A. Making very small things look much bigger.

B. Making very big things look much smaller.

C. Helping you read some newspapers.

D. Helping you if you can’t see things clearly.

3. Why don’t your parents let you drink dirty water?

A. You haven’t looked at it carefully.B. Water can’t be drunk in this way.

C. There must be lots of germs in it.D. Water will make you ill.

4. Which of the following is NOT true?

A. Germs can be found both in water and in the air.

B. Germs can go into your finger if it is cut.

C. If your temperature is not OKthere must be germs in your body.

D. If your finger isn’t cutthere aren’t any germs on it.

5. What’s the main idea of the passage?

A. Germs may make us ill.B. Germs are in dirty water.

C. Don’t drink dirty water.D. Take care of your fingers.

Passage 47

Hundreds of years agoa Roman army came north from England to make war on Scotland. The Scotsa brave peopleloved their country very much. They fought hard to drive the enemy out of Scotlandbut there were too many Romans. It looked as if the Romans would win.

One nightthe leader of Scots marched his soldiers to the top of a hill. “We will rest here tonightmy men,” he said. “Tomorrow we will fight one more battle. We must win or we will die.”

They were all very tiredso they ate their supper quickly and fell asleep. There were four guards on dutybut theytoowere very tiredand one by onealso fell asleep.

The Romans were not asleep. Quickly they gathered at the foot of the hill. Slowly they climbed up the hillsidetaking care not to make a sound. Closer and closer they came to the sleeping Scots. They were almost at the top. A few minutes morethe war would be over. Suddenlyone of them put his foot on a thistle(). He cried out and his sudden cry woke the Scots. In a momentthey were on their feet and ready for battle. The fighting was hard but it did not last long. The Scots wiped out the Romans and saved their country.

The thistle is not a beautiful plant. It has sharp needles all over it. Few people like it. But the people of Scotland liked it so much that they made it their national flower.

1. Hundreds of years ago there was a war between ________.

A. Roman army and North EnglandB. Roman army and the Scots

C. England and ScotsD. a brave people and the Scots

2. At first it looked as if the Romans would win because ________.

A. the Scots were not brave

B. the Roman army was so strong

C. the Scots did not have a good leader

D. the Romans had the support from the Scottish

3. “We must win or we will die.” What the leader of the Scots said means ______.

A. they were sure to win

B. they couldn’t escape from death

C. they would win and then they would die

D. they must try hard to win, otherwise they would be killed

4. The Romans climbed up the hill quietly because ________.

A. they didn’t want to wake the Scots

B. they wanted to reach the top

C. they wanted to catch the four guards first

D. they were afraid of the sharp needles of the thistle

5. The people of Scotland made thistle their national flower because ________.

A. it is a beautiful plant

B. it is fresh and lovely

C. it had so many sharp needles all over it

D. it was the thistle that helped the Scots to win the battle

Passage 48

My friend Matt and I arrived at the Activity Centre on Friday evening. The accommodation wasn’t wonderfulbut we had everything we needed (bedsblanketsfood)and we were pleased to be out of the city and in the fresh air.

On Saturday morning we met the other ten members of our group. Cameron had come along with two friendsKevin and Simonwhile sisters Carole and Lynn had come with Amanda. There were some other members I didn’t know. We had come from different places and none of us knew the area.

We knew we were going to spend the weekend outdoorsbut none of us was sure exactly how. Half of us spent the morning caving while the others went rock-climbing and then we changed at lunchtime. Matt and I went to the caves(岩洞) first. Climbing out was harder than going inbut after a good deal of pushingwe were out at last. Though we were covered with mudwe were pleased and excited by what we’d done.

1. The writer spent the Saturday morning _____.

A. rock-climbingB. sleepingC. meeting friendsD. caving

2. There were _____ members in all in the writer’s group.

A. 6B. 8C. l0 D. 12

3. We can learn from the passage that _____.

A. some of the group had been there before

B. the group had done rock-climbing many times

C. some of the group already knew each other

D. group all came from the same city

4. The write thought her weekend was _____.

A. interestingB. relaxing  C. frighteningD. unpleasant

5. This passage mainly talks about ____.

A. the writer’s friends at the Activity Centre

B. the writer’s experience at the Activity Centre

C. outdoor sports at the Activity Centre

D. how to go rock-climbing and caving

Passage 49

Dick lived in England. One day in January he said to his wife, "I’m going to fly to New York next week because I’ve got some work there." "Where are you going to stay there?" his wife asked. "I don’t know yet." Dick answered. "Please send me your address from there in a telegram (电报)," his wife said. "All right," Dick answered.

He flew to New York on January 31st and found a nice hotel in the center of the city. He put his things in his room and then he sent his wife a telegram. He put the address of his hotel in it. In the evening he didn’t have any work, so he went to a cinema. He came out at nine o’clock and said, "Now I’m going back to my hotel and have a nice dinner.” He found a taxi and the driver said, "Where do you want to go?” But Dick didn’t remember the name and address of his hotel.

Which hotel are my things in?” he said, “And what am I going to do tonight?” But the driver of the taxi did not know. So Dick got out and went into a post office. There he sent his wife another telegram, and in it he wrote, “Please send me my address at this post office.”

1. Dick flew to New York because ___.

A. he went there for a holidayB. he had work there

C. he went there for sightseeing (观光)D. his home was there

2. Why did his wife want a telegram from him?

A. Because she didn’t know his address yet

B. Because she wanted to go to New York, too

C. Because she might send him another telegram

D. Because she couldn’t leave her husband by himself in New York

3. Where did Dick stay in New York?

A. In the center of the city.B. In a hotel.

C. In a restaurant.D. At his friend’s house.

4. Who would send him the name and address of his hotel?

A. The manager of his hotel.B. The police office.

C. The taxi driver.D. His wife.

5. Which of the following is not true?

A. Dick stayed at a nice hotel in the center of the city.

B. Dick didn’t work on the first night of his arrival.

C. Dick forgot to send his wife a telegram.

D. Dick wanted to go back to his hotel in a taxi.

Passage 50

Little Tom down the street calls our dog “The keep dog”. Zip is a sheep dog. But when Tom tries to say “Sheep”, it comes out "keep". And in a way Tom is right. Zip is always bringing things home for us to keep! I’ll tell you about some of them. Zip’s first present was a shoe. It was made of green silk. We didn’t know how Zip found the shoe. But after a moment Mary, my big sister, told me the shoe had a strange smell. I nodded(点头)and held my nose. “What do you think it is?” It smells like something for cleaning. I think someone tried to clean a spot (污点) off the shoe. Then he put it at the door to dry. “Along came Zip. And good-bye shoe!” I said. “We should take it back.” “We can’t” said my sister, “Maybe little Tom is right,” Mary said. “Maybe Zip is a keep dog!”

1. The writer and Mary didn’t know______.

A. what Zip’s first present was B. how Zip carried its first present home

C. who owned Zip’s first present D. what Zip’s first present was made of

2. Tom calls Zip "the keep dog" because ______.

A. the dog likes keeping things

B. the dog likes playing with shoes

C. he doesn’t know the dog’s name

D. he can’t pronounce the word "sheep" well

3. What made the shoe strange was ______.

A. its color       B. its smell       C. its size       D. that it was a silk one

4. The word "keep" in the last sentence means "_____"

A. keeping things for itself B. bringing things for other to keep

C. not letting it run about D. taking care of a small child

5. We can know from the reading that the dog _____.

A. likes to give presents to people B. has been kept in at the writer’s home

C. has brought some trouble D. likes to be called "the keep dog"


P1 1-5 BBBBD      P2 1-5 ACBBD      P3 1-5 BCCDC

P4 1-5 CADDB      P5 1-5 CBACD      P6 1-5 DCDDC

P7 1-5 CABDC      P8 1-5 ABBCD      P9 1-5 BCABA

P10 1-5 BADCB      P11 1-5 DBCBB      P12 1-5 ACCAD

P13 1-5 DCABD      P14 1-5 BDBCB      P15 1-5 ABDAA

P16 1-5 CBDDC      P17 1-5 CABCD      P18 1-5 DBCAC

P19 1-5 BCADB      P20 1-5 CBCAC      P21 1-5 BADAD

P22 1-5 CBDAD      P23 1-5 CABAB      P24 1-5 AACDA

P25 1-5 DCBAA      P26 1-5 CBADD      P27 1-5 ADACD

P28 1-5 ADADB      P29 1-5 BDCAB      P30 1-5 BCDDB

P31 1-5 ACCCD      P32 1-5 ACDDB      P33 1-5 CBADB

P34 1-5 ACDBA      P35 1-5 AACCD      P36 1-5 BDACA

P37 1-5 BDADC      P38 1-5 CBACD      P39 1-5 BADBC

P40 1-5 DBADC      P41 1-5 CBACC      P42 1-5 BDCA D

P43 1-5 CDA BC      P44 1-5 DBBAB      P45 1-5 BABCD

P46 1-5 DACDA      P47 1-5 BBDAD      P48 1-5 DDCAB

P49 1-5 BABDC      P50 1-5 CDBBC

Part III Cloze

Directions: Using the given words to complete the following paragraph.(每题2分,共10分)

agree |

line |

torn |

damage |


1. McDonald’s explains that the building was 1) ______ in an 2) _________, and therefore needs to be 3) _______ down. Many people in the town of Downey don’t 4) ______ with this 5) _______ of thinking, though.

nothing |

amount |

afford |

with |


2. Many people say that McDonald’s can certainly 1) _______ to  pay that 2) ________. Some think that McDonald’s real reason for wanting to 3) _______ down the restaurant has 4) _________ to do 5) ______ money.

Even |

peace |

taken |

boards |


3. Everyone hopes that the McDonald’s managers and the people of  Downey will soon find 1) _______. The building is still there, but 2) ________ cover the windows. 3) _____ so, people drive by to remember their McDonald’s, taking pictures of a moment in 4) _________ before it gets 5) ______ away.

Indians |

crimes |

detail |

opposed |


4. Like all those 1) ________ to Disney, he can list, in 2) _______, Disney’s many 3) _______ against culture: he is very angry, for example, about the 4) __________ of American 5) _________ in Pocahontas.   

values |

themselves |

Critical |

artistic |


5. However, even the most strongly opposed are 1) _______ to note that Disney has many positive 2) ________—cheerfulness, good-hearted fun, and a tradition of 3) _________ quality—that help explain its success. 4) _________ or not, most of those who oppose the company are Disney customers 5) _________.

more |

hairstyles |

tendency |

living |


6. These days, lifestyles have a 1) __________ to change so fast. It is 2) ______ than just clothing and 3) _________ that are in 4) _______ one year and out of date the next; it’s a whole way of 5) ________.

appeared |

unknown |

magazines |

advertisement |


7. In 1981, for example, an 1) _________ elderly woman 2) ________ in a TV 3) __________ in which she looked at a very small hamburger and 4) ___________ loudly, “Where’s the beef?” These three words made her famous.Suddenly she appeared in 5) ___________ and newspapers, and on TV shows.

areas |

come |

money |

designers |


8. What 1) _________ such fads to 2) ______ and go? Although clothing 3) _______ influence fads in fashion because they want to make 4) _______, this desire for money doesn’t explain fads in other 5) _______, such as language.

lower |

much |

overweight |

normal |


9. My doctor tells me I am healthy, and this is 1) ________ more important than being thin. Studies show that 2)  _________ people who exercise have a 3) _______ death 4) _______ than “ 5) ________” weight people who do not.

hard |

Control |

character |

failure |


10. How a person is born is simply science, not a 1) ________ on someone’s 2) ____________. The Center for Disease 3) __________ reports that 78 percent of American women are trying 4) _______ to lose weight, and at an amazing 5) ________  rate—95 percent get back what they’ve lost within two to five years.

self-respect |

lacking |

serving |

looked |


11. Helen was in her 60s, had red hair, and 1) ______ of 2) __________—something I was really 3) _______. I 4) _______ up to Helen because she was doing what she loved—5) ________ people—and nobody did it better.       

up |

dreamed |

lend |

Unfortunately |


12. Thanks to the 1) ___________ I picked 2) _______ from Helen, I 3) _________ of having my own restaurant one day. 4) ____________, when I called my parents to ask them to 5) _______ me the money, they said, “We just don’t have it.”

annual |

though |

plus |

Eventually |


13. Even 1) _______ I had no experience, I was hired and 2) _______ up doing quite well. 3)_________, I even paid Fred and my customers back the $50,000, 4) _______ 14 percent 5) _________ interest. Five years later, I was able to open my own firm.

extraordinary |

arguably |

massive |

influential |


14. It may sound old-fashioned, but it’s positive thinking that turned a college-dorm-room idea into 1) _________ the most 2) ____________ business of the 21st century. Zuckerberg had an 3) ____________ conviction that he could make his dreams become a reality. This conviction was 4) __________ to his success. He always knew he’d make a 5)_________ impact on society

billion |

turned |

purpose |

achieve |


15. Even when many around him said he would fail and that he was 1)____________. That conviction was tested in 2006 when Yahoo offered $1 2) _________ for the site. Zuckerberg 3) ________ it down so that Facebook could 4) _________ its ultimate 5) _________.

section |

headlines |

disconnected |

change |


16. On the morning of the first day, I got up, ate my breakfast, 1) ________ through the 2) __________ of the newspaper and read the sports 3) ________. I was 4) ___________, cut-off and separated. And this wouldn’t 5) ________ for the next 30 days.

replacing |

distracted |

option |

deal |


17. From day one I realized that being offline is much better to 1) _______ with when you are 2) __________, especially while being at home. Distracting myself by the use of a TV was not an 3) ________ for me, as that would be like 4) __________ one 5) _______ with another.

admire |

architecture |

absorbed |

reflect |


18. I would hold my camera, discover new places and take amazing shots of 1) _____________ on the streets I’ve never had the time to 2) _______. Also, I would just sit around and 3) _________ deeply 4) _______ my life. I became 5) __________ in my own thoughts, and not in those of another person.

enclosed |

delighted |

atmosphere |

out |


19. “1) ____________!” the letter read. “You and a guest have been chosen to sample and enjoy our wonderful cooking and 2) __________. Please find the 3) __________ gift certificate for fifty dollars!” My friend was 4) __________! Jumping up and down with happiness, he thought 5) ________ loud about what to wear, what to order, when to go, and... who to take.        

favorite |

landed |

dialed |

hesitating |


20. At last, he 1) ________ on Sarah, the woman whom he had been interested in, from a 2) __________, for months. He sat down in his 3) __________ chair, 4) ________ her number confidently, and asked her to join him—she accepted without even 5) ____________.

material |

on |

cut |

heard |


21.“Look—it’s too long, even 1) _______ me. And this 2) ___________ is so heavy that it would pull you down.” “I have never 3) ______ of anyone being 4)________ by too heavy a coat.” “Do you want to be the first? Just 5) ________ it off here,” he said, drawing his hand across his knees.

branches |

which |

day |

pause |


22.Fashion was only one of the many dangers from 1) ________ we had to 2) ________ ourselves. To this 3) __________, when I walk within yards of tree 4) _________, I 5) _________ and hear Dad’s voice: “Watch your eyes!”

backbone |

recall |

directions |

few |


23. When my brothers and sisters and I talk about the old days, we 1) _________ Dad’s telling us not to jump too hard and high while playing sports because of the 2) __________ of 3) __________ injury, and the driving 4)__________ he gave us with as 5) ______ left turns as possible.

energetic |

hand |

while |

needed |


24. We had to watch him getting weaker and weaker, 1) _________ my mother seemed even more 2) ___________ than before. She still had a job to do—shopping, cooking and running the 3) ____________. She was necessary. Dad, on the other 4) _________, felt he wasn’t much 5) __________.  

Contrary |

focus |

beneath |

disappointment |


25. These days, I try and 1) ________ on my mother’s goodness—her energy and her strength.     2) __________  to what she says, I’m convinced that 3) _________ her 4) __________ anger and 5) ____________, my mother is a woman who doesn’t know how to express her feelings either.


1. (1) damaged   (2) earthquake   (3) torn   (4) agree   (5) line

2. (1) afford   (2) amount   (3) close   (4) nothing   (5) with

3. (1) peace   (2) boards   (3) Even   (4) history   (5) taken

4. (1) opposed   (2) detail   (3) crimes   (4) treatment   (5) Indians

5. (1) quick   (2) values   (3) artistic   (4) Critical   (5) themselves

6. (1) tendency   (2) more   (3) hairstyles   (4) style   (5) living

7. (1) unknown  (2) appeared  (3) advertisement  (4) complained   (5) magazines

8. (1) causes   (2) come   (3) designers   (4) money   (5) areas

9. (1) much   (2) overweight   (3) lower   (4) rate   (5) normal

10. (1) comment   (2) character   (3) Control   (4) hard   (5) failure

11. (1) tons   (2) self-respect   (3) lacking   (4) looked   (5) serving

12. (1) confidence   (2) up   (3) dreamed   (4) Unfortunately   (5) lend

13. (1) though   (2) ended   (3) Eventually   (4) plus   (5) annual

14. (1) arguably   (2) influential   (3) extraordinary   (4) central   (5) massive

15. (1) overreaching   (2) billion   (3) turned   (4) achieve   (5) purpose

16. (1) glanced   (2) headlines   (3) section   (4) disconnected   (5) change

17. (1) deal   (2) distracted   (3) option   (4) replacing   (5) vice

18. (1) architecture   (2) admire   (3) reflect   (4) on   (5) absorbed

19. (1) Congratulations   (2) atmosphere   (3) enclosed   (4) delighted   (5) out

20. (1) landed   (2) distance   (3) favorite   (4) dialed   (5) hesitating

21. (1) on   (2) material   (3) heard   (4) injured   (5) cut

22. (1) which   (2) guard   (3) day   (4) branches   (5) pause

23. (1) recall   (2) possibility   (3) backbone   (4) directions   (5) few

24. (1) while   (2) energetic   (3) household   (4) hand   (5) needed

25. (1) focus   (2) Contrary   (3) beneath   (4) external   (5) disappointment

Part IV Match

1. tear down |agree with |in danger of |in fashion |line of thinking |can afford to do |close down |even so |take away |have nothing to do with

思路;想法 |处于…危险之中 |推倒;拆毁 |意见一致;同意 |流行 |与…毫无关系 |带走;拆毁 |尽管如此 |(使)停业 |花得起;承担得起

Key: 推倒;拆毁 |意见一致;同意 |处于…危险之中 |流行 |思路;想法 |花得起;承担得起 |(使)停业 |尽管如此 |带走;拆毁 |与…毫无关系

2. make sense |stop someone from doing something |more than just |and the like |in style |pay attention to |out of fashion |make money |come and go |get away from

留心;注意 |不流行 |挣钱;赚钱 |来来去去;忽隐忽现;变化无常 |逃避;逃离 |有道理 |阻止某人做某事 |不仅仅 |诸如此类;等等 |时髦;流行

Key: 有道理 |阻止某人做某事 |不仅仅 |诸如此类;等等 |时髦;流行 |留心;注意 |不流行 |挣钱;赚钱 |来来去去;忽隐忽现;变化无常 |逃避;逃离

3. out of date |unhealthy |live off |enjoy doing (something) |as early as |would rather |in every aspect of |in reality |try hard to do (something) |at a rate

在…的各个方面 |实际上;事实上 |努力争取去做… |以…的速度 |享受…的乐趣;喜欢做… |早在…时候 |宁愿 |过时的,不用的 |不健康的 |靠…过活

Key: 过时的,不用的 |不健康的 |靠…过活 |享受…的乐趣;喜欢做… |早在…时候 |宁愿 |在…的各个方面 |实际上;事实上 |努力争取去做… |以…的速度

4. get back (something) |on the beach |tons of |look up to (somebody) |take pride in |help out |as soon as |pick up |dream of (something/doing something). share (something) with (somebody)

重新获得;找回 |在海滩上;在沙滩上 |大量的 |一…就… |获得;学会 |梦想(做某事 |分享;共用 |尊敬;敬仰 |引以为荣;为…感到自豪 |(需要时)帮助某人

Key: 重新获得;找回 |在海滩上;在沙滩上 |大量的 |尊敬;敬仰 |引以为荣;为…感到自豪 |(需要时)帮助某人 |一…就… |E. 获得;学会 |F. 梦想(做某事) |分享;共用

5. have faith in (somebody) |come true |in the meantime |apply for |end up |invest in  |take a risk |designer |fame |cause

投资;入股 |相信;信任 |实现;成真 |(于此)同时 |申请;(以书面)提出请求 |最后;以…告终 |冒险 |设计者 |名气;名声;声誉 |导致;引起;(使)发生

Key: 相信;信任 |实现;成真 |(于此)同时 |申请;(以书面)提出请求 |最后;以…告终 |投资;入股 |冒险 |设计者 |名气;名声;声誉 |导致;引起;(使)发生

6. devote... to |a ton of |get down  |be bound to do something |stick to |turn down |in the neighborhood of |by chance |hamburger |fry

汉堡包 |炸;煎 |击垮 |注定;必定;一定 |坚持 |拒绝 |大约;近于;在附近 |碰巧 |把…奉献(给);专心致力于 |许多

Key: 把…奉献(给);专心致力于 |许多 |击垮 |注定;必定;一定 |坚持 |拒绝 |大约;近于;在附近 |碰巧 |汉堡包 |炸;煎

7. cultural |symbol |southern |arch |danger |local |damage |earthquake |resident |public

圆拱;拱形物 |危险 |当地的;地方性的 |文化的 |象征 |南方的;属于南方的 |毁坏;损害 |地震 |居民;定居者 |公众;大众;民众

Key: 文化的 |象征 |南方的;属于南方的 |圆拱;拱形物 |危险 |当地的;地方性的 |毁坏;损害 |地震 |居民;定居者 |公众;大众;民众

8. location  | a drive-thru window  | inspector  |structure  |afford  | amount  | claim  | actually  | deny  | destroy

实际上 |否认;不承认 |破坏;毁坏 |建筑物;结构;构造 |买得起;担负得起 |数量;数额;总数 |声称;断言;宣称 |位置;场所 |免下车外卖窗口 |检查员;督察员

Key: 位置;场所 |免下车外卖窗口 |J. 检查员;督察员 |建筑物;结构;构造 |买得起;担负得起 |数量;数额;总数声称;断言;宣称 |实际上 |否认;不承认 |破坏;毁坏

9. historian |explanation |rewrite |national |register |historic |abandon |peace |board  |moment

和平;平静 |长形木板;董事会;委员会 |瞬间;片刻 |登记;注册 |在历史上重要的;有历史影响的 |放弃;终止 |历史学家 |解释;说明 |重写;加工编写;篡改; |国家的;民族主义的

Key: 历史学家 |解释;说明 |重写;加工编写;篡改 |国家的;民族主义的 |登记;注册 |在历史上重要的;有历史影响的 |放弃;终止 |和平;平静 |长形木板;董事会;委员会 |瞬间;片刻

10. mirror |rare |admit |defeat |theme |battle |purchase |capital |deepen |rush

首都;省会;资本;资金 |加深;变深 |急速行进;突然猛增 |购买 |反映;反射 |罕见的 |承认;供认;准许…进入(或加入) |失败;挫败;战胜 |主题;主旨 |战斗;战役

Key: 反映;反射 |罕见的 |承认;供认;准许…进入(或加入) |失败;挫败;战胜 |主题;主旨 |战斗;战役 |购买 |首都;省会;资本;资金 |加深;变深 |急速行进;突然猛增

11. magazine |videotape |uniformity |sub-adult |oppose |by-product |sexist |racist |folklore |protection

反对;反抗;对立 |副产品 |性别歧视者;男性至上主义者 |杂志 |录像带;录影带 |一样;相同;一贯 |未成年的 |种族主义者 |民间传说;民俗 |保护

Key: 杂志 |录像带;录影带 |一样;相同;一贯 |未成年的 |反对;反抗;对立 |副产品 |性别歧视者;男性至上主义者 |种族主义者 |民间传说;民俗 |保护

12. value |advertisement |critical |furniture |fad |tendency |complain |hairstyle |appear |politician

家具 |流行一时的狂热(行为);风尚 |倾向;趋势;趋向 |抱怨;发牢骚;诉苦;投诉 |发型 |价值;用处;益处 |广告 |吹毛求疵的;严厉批评的 |出现;呈现 |政治家

Key: 价值;用处;益处 |广告 |吹毛求疵的;严厉批评的 |家具 |流行一时的狂热(行为);风尚 |倾向;趋势;趋向 |抱怨;发牢骚;诉苦;投诉 |发型 |出现;呈现 |政治家

注:每题的排列顺序为: 英文单词, 选项, 英文单词对应的汉语翻译。

Part V Translation

1. Even though the first McDonald’s restaurant sold only hamburgers and French fries, it still became a cultural symbol.

A. 虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和薯条,它还是成为了一种文化象征。

B. 虽说第一家餐馆只售汉堡包和法国煎饼,它还是成为了一种文化象征。

C. 虽说第一家麦当劳餐馆只售汉堡包和法国煎饼,它仍然成为了一种文化象征。

2. Now, in the Southern California city of Downey, people are trying to save the first McDonald’s restaurant in history.  

A. 去年,在加州南部唐尼市,人们正尝试拯救历史上第一家麦当劳餐馆。

B. 如今,在加州南部唐尼市,人们正努力保住历史上第一家麦当劳餐馆。

C. 如今,在加州南部唐尼市,人们正尝试保住第一家麦当劳餐馆在历史上。

3. McDonald’s, though, says the building should be torn down.

A. 然而,麦当劳却称这幢房子应该被推到。

B. 麦当劳说这幢房子应该拆掉。

C. 然而,麦当劳却称这幢房子应该拆掉。

4. Built in 1953, the restaurant in Downey, California, is the oldest of all the Golden Arches in America, and has the earliest McDonald’s building design.

A. 坐落于加州唐尼的这家餐馆建于1953年,是美国所有带双拱形金色标志的建筑中历史最久的,它的设计也是麦当劳最早的建筑设计。

B. 建造在1953年,餐馆在加州唐尼,是美国所有带双拱形金色标志的建筑中历史最久的,它的设计也是麦当劳最早的建筑设计。

C. 坐落于加州唐尼的这家餐馆建于1953年,是美国最古老的金色拱形建筑,它的设计也是麦当劳最早的建筑设计。

5. Many people have good memories of that old McDonald’s. These people are angry that the building is now in danger of being destroyed, along with their memories.

A. 许多人对那家老餐馆有着美好的回忆。这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆一起将被摧毁,感到很气愤。

B. 许多人有着美好的回忆对那家老餐馆。这些人想到餐馆连同他们美好的回忆一起将被摧毁,感到很气愤。

  1. 许多人对那家老餐馆有着美好的回忆。这些人感到很气愤,想到餐馆处在被摧毁危险中,连同他们美好的回忆。

1-5. ABCAA  

6. McDonald’s explains that the building was damaged in an earthquake, and therefore needs to be torn down.

A. 麦当劳方面解释说,那家老店在一次地震中遭到损坏,因此必须拆掉。

B. 麦当劳方面公开承认建筑物在一次地震中遭到损坏,因此必须拆掉。

C. 麦当劳方面掩饰说,那家老店遭到损坏在一次地震中,因此必须拆掉。

7. Many people in the town of Downey don’t agree with this line of thinking, though.

A. 唐尼的许多人却不建议这种说法。

B. 不过,唐尼的许多人却不同意这种思维的线条。

C. 不过,唐尼的许多人却不同意这种说法。

8. One woman says, “I think it’s terrible. They are using the earthquake as an excuse. It’s a big lie.”

A. 有位女士说:“我想他们在利用那次地震作解答。这是一个极大的谎言。”

B. 有位女士说:“太可怕了。他们在使用那次地震作题。这是一个弥天大谎。”

C. 有位女士说:“我认为这件事太可怕了。他们在利用那次地震作借口。这是一个极大的谎言。”

9. Another Downey resident remarks, “I am so upset. They don’t respect the public at all.”

A. 另一位唐尼市居民说:“我非常难过。他们一点也不尊重公众的意见。”

B. 另一位唐尼市居民批评说:“我非常难过。他们一点也不听从公众的意见。”

C. 另一位唐尼市居民说:“我是这么难过。他们一点也不理解公众。”

10. They haven’t even tried. They could do some small repairs and make it a good restaurant again.

A. 他们甚至都没试着这样做,他们可以稍加修理,使它再成为一家好餐馆。

B. 他们甚至都没努力,他们可以稍加完善,使它再成为一家好餐馆。

C. 他们甚至都没试着这样做,他们可以做一些小的补充,使它再成为一家好餐馆。


11. McDonald’s managers say the restaurant is losing money at that location.   

A. 麦当劳的经理们说餐馆设在那个位置一直在丢钱。

B. 麦当劳的经理们说餐馆设在那个位置一直在亏本。

C. 麦当劳的经理说餐馆一直在亏。

12. There is no room for a drive-thru window, or for seating inside.

A. 那儿没有房间可以开辟“免下车外卖窗口”,里面也没有地方开。

B. 那儿没有地方可以开辟“免下车外卖窗口”,里面也没有地方安排座位。

C. 那儿没有地方可以开辟“驾驶通过窗口”,里面也没有地方安排座位。

13. After the earthquake, they say it was impossible to fix.   

A. 他们说,那次地震后这个餐馆就没办法修了。

B. 他们说,那次地震后这个餐馆就没办法安装了。

C. 他们说,那次地震后这个餐馆就没办法固定了。

14. The managers want to build a copy of this building at another location instead.

A. 不过那些经理们想在其他位置按原餐馆再仿造一家。

B. 不过那些经理们想在其他位置按原餐馆再复制一家。

C. 不过那些经理们想在其他位置按原餐馆再建造一家。

15. Building inspectors, on the other hand, say that the structure can be repaired, but that it will be expensive.   

A. 但是房屋检查人员说该建筑是可以修理的,不过费用很高。

B. 房屋检查人员说该建筑是可以补的,不过费用很高。

C. 但是房屋检查人员说该结构是可以修理的,只是麦当劳花不起。

11. B  12. B. 13. A  14. A  15. A

16. Many people say that McDonald’s can certainly afford to pay that amount.

A. 许多人说麦当劳补能支付那个数目。

B. 许多人说这个费用麦当劳当然承受得起。

C. 许多人说这个费用麦当劳承受得起。

17. Some think that McDonald’s real reason for wanting to close down the restaurant has nothing to do with money.

A. 有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的原因与金钱有关。

B. 有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆的真正原因与金钱无关。

C. 有人认为麦当劳想关闭这家餐馆是因为金钱无关。

18. Modern McDonald’s restaurants often have a sign claiming that a man named Ray Kroc opened the first McDonald’s restaurant in Illinois in 1955.   

A. 现代的麦当劳餐馆有一个广告,宣传雷·克罗克的人于1955年在伊利诺伊州创办了首家麦当劳餐馆。

B. 现代的麦当劳餐馆常常有一个牌子,声称有个叫雷·克罗克的人于1955年在伊利诺伊州创办了首家麦当劳餐馆。

C. 现代的麦当劳餐馆常常做广告,说叫雷·克罗克的人于1955年在伊利诺伊州创办了首家麦当劳餐馆。

19. The truth, however, is that Mr. Kroc actually learned the fast food business from Dick and Mac McDonald in Downey.

A. 然而真理是,克罗克先生的快餐生意实际上不是从唐尼市的迪克·麦当劳和麦克·麦当劳那里学来的。

B. 然而事实是,克罗克先生的快餐生意实际上是从唐尼市的迪克·麦当劳和麦克·麦当劳那里学来的。

C. 然而事实是,克罗克先生实际上并没有从唐尼市的迪克·麦当劳和麦克·麦当劳那里学来的。

20. Later, Mr. Kroc bought their restaurants. Thus, many people in Downey think McDonald’s is trying to change history, though the company denies this.

A. 后来克罗克先生买下了他们的餐馆。因此,尽管公司竭力否认,唐尼镇的许多人还是认为麦当劳是想篡改历史。

B. 克罗克先生买下了他们的餐馆。因此,尽管公司发布声明,唐尼镇人还是认为麦当劳是想篡改历史。

C. 后来克罗克先生买下了餐馆。因此,唐尼镇的许多人还是认为麦当劳是想再写一遍历史。

16. B  17. B  18. B  19. B  20. A  

21. To local historians, this explanation makes total sense.

A. 在当地的历史学家看来,这种解释颇有道理。

B. 在历史学家看来,这种解释有点意思。

C. 在当地的历史学家看来,这种解释做出了完全的意义。

22. One historian said, “We should not rewrite the past. Ray Kroc did not invent McDonald’s. The McDonald brothers did.”

A. 有位历史学家说:“我们不该再次书写过去。雷·克罗克没有创建麦当劳。创建麦当劳的是麦氏兄弟。”

B. 有位历史学家说:“历史不容篡改。雷·克罗克没有发明麦当劳。发明麦当劳的是麦氏兄弟。”

C. 有位历史学家说:“历史不容篡改。雷·克罗克没有创建麦当劳。创建麦当劳的是麦氏兄弟。”

23. These days, a group of historians want the building to be added to the National Register of Historic Places so that the city of Downey will be able to stop McDonald’s from tearing the building down.  

A. 这些天来,一群历史学家想建筑被加到国家历史文物保护单位名册,这样,唐尼镇就能停止麦当劳倒塌。

B. 这些天,历史学家希望将该处建筑列入国家注册的名胜,这样,唐尼镇就能使麦当劳免遭拆除。

C. 这些天来,一群历史学家希望将该处建筑列入国家历史文物保护单位名册,这样,唐尼镇就能使麦当劳免遭拆除。

24. The McDonald’s managers are very angry, and have abandoned the structure.

A. 麦当劳的经理们非常恼火,并且遗弃了结构。

B. 麦当劳的经理非常恼火,因而遗弃了结构。

C. 麦当劳的经理们非常恼火,因而将房屋弃置一旁。

25. Everyone hopes that the McDonald’s managers and the people of Downey will soon find peace.

A. 人人都希望麦当劳经理们与唐尼的居民很快找到和平。

B. 人人都希望麦当劳经理们与唐尼的居民很快达成一致。

C. 人人都希望麦当劳经理们与唐尼的居民达成一致。

21. A  22. C  23. C  24. C  25. B

26. The building is still there, but boards cover the windows.

A. 房子仍在,但木板盖住了窗户。

B. 房子仍在,但窗子用木板封了起来。

C. 房子静止在那,但窗子用木板封了起来。

27. Even so, people drive by to remember their McDonald’s, taking pictures of a moment in history before it gets taken away.

A. 即便如此,人们驱赶前来纪念他们的麦当劳,想抢在它被拆除前拍照留念,留下历史上的珍贵一刻。

B. 即便如此,人们仍开车前来纪念他们的麦当劳,想抢在它被拆除前拍照留念,留下历史上的珍贵一刻。

C. 即便如此,人们仍开车前来纪念他们的麦当劳,拍照留念,留下历史上的珍贵一刻。

28. Last fall, the Walt Disney Company did something rare: It admitted defeat in its fight to build a history theme park in Virginia.   

A. 最后跌下去,沃尔特·迪斯尼公司做了一件罕见的事情:它承认自己争取在弗吉尼亚州建造一个历史主题公园的努力失败了。

B. 去年秋天,沃尔特·迪斯尼公司做了一件罕见的事情:它承认打败了战争建立弗吉尼亚历史主题公园。

C. 去年秋天,沃尔特·迪斯尼公司做了一件罕见的事情:它承认自己争取在弗吉尼亚州建造一个历史主题公园的努力失败了。

29. The park was going to be called “Disney’s America.”

A. 公园正准备被叫作“迪斯尼美国公园。”

B. 公园打算叫“迪斯尼的美国公园。”

C. 公园原本打算叫“迪斯尼美国公园。”

30. Some people might be wondering, however, if Disney lost the battle but won the war, as it seems everyone is living in Disney’s America these days.

A. 不过,有些人会这样想,迪斯尼只不过是输了一次战斗,但赢了一场战争,这是因为,这些年来人人似乎都生活在迪斯尼的美国。

B. 有些人会这样想,迪斯尼只不过是输了一次战斗,但赢了一场战争,这是因为,这些年来人人似乎都生活在迪斯尼的美国。

C. 不过,有些人会这样想,迪斯尼只不过是输了一次战斗,但赢了一场战争,这些年来人人似乎都生活在迪斯尼的美国。

26. B  27. B  28. C 29. C  30. A

31. With its purchase of Capital Cities/ABC Inc. last month, the company founded by Walter Elias Disney in 1923 deepened its claim on American culture.

A. 随着上个月迪斯尼公司购买了美国广播公司大都会电视台网之后,这家由沃尔特·伊莱亚斯·迪斯尼在1923年创建的公司进一步代表了美国文化。

B. 随着迪斯尼公司购买了美国广播公司大都会电视台网之后,这家由沃尔特·伊莱亚斯·迪斯尼在1923年创建的公司进一步代表了美国文化。

C. 随着上个月迪斯尼公司购买了美国广播公司大都会电视台网之后,这家由沃尔特·伊莱亚斯·迪斯尼在1923年创建的公司加深了对美国文化的宣称。

32. In fact, it would be hard to find another company so widely respected—even loved—by Americans.

A. 很难再找出另一家公司像迪斯尼这样受到美国人如此普遍的尊敬,甚至可以说普遍的热爱。

B. 确实,很难再找出另一家公司像迪斯尼这样受到美国人如此普遍的尊敬,甚至可以说普遍的热爱。

C. 确实,很难再找出另一家公司像迪斯尼这样受到美国人如此普遍的尊敬,普遍的热爱。

33. Americans rush out to see Disney films, and then replay them—on videotapes;

A. 美国人争着去看迪斯尼拍的电影,然后再重看电影录像;

B. 美国人跑到外面看迪斯尼拍的电影,然后再重看电影录像;

C. 美国人争着去看迪斯尼拍的电影,然后在录像上重放;

34. They read Disney books to their children; they watch Disney shows on Disney TV;

A. 他们读迪斯尼的书给孩子;他们在迪斯尼电视频道上观看迪斯尼节目;

B. 他们给孩子念迪斯尼的故事;他们观看迪斯尼节目在迪斯尼电视上;

C. 他们给孩子念迪斯尼的故事;他们在迪斯尼电视频道上观看迪斯尼节目;

35. They make trips to Disneyland and Disney World, where they stay in Disney hotels and eat Disney food;

A. 他们去迪斯尼乐园和迪斯尼世界游玩,住的是迪斯尼酒店,吃的是迪斯尼食品;

B. 他们去迪斯尼乐园和迪斯尼世界,在那儿他们住的是迪斯尼酒店,吃的是迪斯尼食品;

C. 他们去迪斯尼乐园和迪斯尼世界游玩,在那儿他们住的是迪斯尼酒店,吃的是迪斯尼食品;

31. A  32. B  33. A  34. C  35. C

36. Americans buy Disney products at Disney stores, and listen to Disney records of Disney songs.

A. 美国人还在迪斯尼仓库里购买迪斯尼商品,耳边听的是迪斯尼歌曲唱片。

B. 美国人还在迪斯尼商店里购买迪斯尼商品,耳边听的是迪斯尼歌曲唱片。

C. 美国人还在迪斯尼商店里购买迪斯尼商品,听迪斯尼歌曲的迪斯尼唱片。

37. The world of Disney is becoming anything but small.

A. 迪斯尼的世界可真小啊!

B. 迪斯尼的世界可真不小啊!

C. 迪斯尼的世界正成为一切但是很小!

38. All this makes some people more than a little upset. Harold Bloom, a professor at Yale University, provides an examination of the cultural history of Western society.

A. 这一切让有些人感到有点小难过。耶鲁大学教授哈罗德·布卢姆对西方社会的文化历史作了一番审视。

B. 这一切让有些人感到忧心忡忡。耶鲁大学教授哈罗德·布卢姆对西方社会的文化历史作了一番审视。

C. 这一切让有些人感到忧心忡忡。耶鲁大学教授哈罗德·布卢姆对西方社会的文化历史作了一次考试。

39.  “At the end of this road lies cultural uniformity of the worst kind. It’s just terrible.”

A. “这条路走到最后的结果便是再糟糕不过的文化制服。实在太可怕了。”

B. “在路的一端躺着最糟糕的文化单一性。实在太可怕了。”

C. “这条路走到最后的结果便是再糟糕不过的文化单一性。实在太可怕了。”

40. This is becoming a popular opinion in universities around the world.

A. 这正成为流行观点,在世界各地的大学。

B. 这一观点在世界各地的大学越来越受到认同。

C. 这一观点在大学流行,周游世界。

36. B  37. B  38. B  39. C  40. B

41. “Disney products,” said Paul Fussell, a professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania, “have always seemed to me seriously sub-adult.”

A. “迪斯尼产品,” 宾州大学的英语教授保罗·富塞尔说,“在我看来实在很幼稚。”

B. “迪斯尼出品的,” 宾州大学的英语教授保罗·富塞尔说,“对我来说很幼稚。”

C. “迪斯尼产品,” 宾州大学的英语教授保罗·富塞尔说,“对我来说实在很不成熟。”

42. Those who oppose Disney (and there are many) see its films and by-products as sexist, racist and as simpler, cheered-up accounts of American history and folklore.

A. 那些反对迪斯尼(而且很多)觉得电影和产品都有性别和种族歧视,比美国历史和传说更轻松。

B. 那些反对迪斯尼(而且很多)觉得电影和产品都有性别和种族歧视,美国的历史和传说更轻松。


43. “There’s a kind of protection at work here,” said Henry Giroux, a professor at Penn State University.  

A. “这其中有一种偏袒护短的倾向,” 宾州州立大学的一位教授亨利·吉罗说。

B. “这里面有一种保护在起作用,” 宾州州立大学的一位教授亨利·吉罗说。

C. “这里面有一种偏向在起作用,” 宾州州立大学的一位教授亨利·吉罗说。

44. Like all those opposed to Disney, he can list, in detail, Disney’s many crimes against culture.

A. 他和其他反对迪斯尼的人一样列举了很多罪行来反对迪斯尼文化。

B. 和其他迪斯尼的反对者一样,他详细地列举了迪斯尼所犯的文化罪行。

C. 和所有反对迪斯尼的人一样,他列举了很多罪行的细节。

45. He is very angry, for example, about the treatment of American Indians in Pocahontas.

A. 比如,迪斯尼在《皇冠博彩》一片中对美国印第安人那段悲惨历史的种种处理手法就令他非常气愤。

B. 比如,他对《皇冠博彩》美国和印第安人的待遇非常生气。

C. 比如,他觉得《皇冠博彩》中美国和印第安人的遭遇让他生气。

41. A   42.C   43.A   44.B   45.A

46. “I mean,  the entire history of what happened to the Indians, which some people would call the murder of their people, is sort of played out as a love story,” he said angrily.

A. “我的意思是,整个历史发生在印第安,人们称之为印第安屠杀,也是一部爱情故事,”他生气地说。

B. “我的意思是,印第安人遭遇的整个历史,有人称之为对印第安人的屠杀,而在该片中却被演绎成一个爱情故事,” 他愤愤不平地说。

C. “我的意思是,历史发生在印第安。一些人叫做他们的屠杀,表演为爱情故事,”他生气地说。

47. Giroux said he believes that Disney has become a basic educator of America’s children.

A. 吉罗认为迪斯尼已经成了美国孩子的主要教育者。

B. 吉罗说美国孩子的基础教育是迪斯尼。

C. 吉罗相信迪斯尼是美国孩子的大众教育者。

48. Most of the children will be able to perform every word of The Lion King long before they even learn US President Abraham Lincoln’s historic Gettysburg Address.

A. 大部分孩子将能够表演《亚洲博彩公司平台》,如果之前学习美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯那篇具有历史意义的葛底斯堡演说的话。

B. 大部分孩子能够表演《亚洲博彩公司平台》,在此之前,他们就已经学习美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯那篇具有历史意义的葛底斯堡演说了。

C. 这些孩子早在学习美国总统亚伯拉罕·林肯那篇具有历史意义的葛底斯堡演说之前,大多数就能背诵《亚洲博彩公司平台》中的每句台词了。

49. However, even the most strongly opposed are quick to note that Disney has many positive values—cheerfulness, good-hearted fun, and a tradition of artistic quality—that help explain its success.

A. 然而,大部分人强烈反对迪斯尼有很多价值:轻松愉快、善意风趣、优良的艺术传统,这些都是迪斯尼成功的原因。

B. 尽管如此,最强烈的反对者也很快指出了迪斯尼具有的诸多价值:轻松愉快、善意风趣、优良的艺术传统,这些都是迪斯尼成功的原因。

C. 然而,就算大部分强烈反对迪斯尼积极价值的人意识到:轻松愉快、善意风趣、优良的艺术传统,这些都不是迪斯尼成功的原因。

50. Critical or not, most of those who oppose the company are Disney customers themselves.

A. 大部分反对迪斯尼的人讽刺他们的顾客。

B. 挑剔或者宽容,大部分反对迪斯尼公司的就是顾客。

C. 不管是否存心挑剔,反对迪斯尼公司的那些人自己大多也是迪斯尼的顾客。

46. B   47.A   48.C   49.B    50.C

51. These days, lifestyles have a tendency to change so fast.   

A. 在这些日子,生活方式改变很快。

B. 如今,生活方式有种迅速变化的趋势。

C. 这些天,生活方式的趋势变化很快。

52. It is more than just clothing and hairstyles that are in style one year and out of date the next; it’s a whole way of living.

A. 比衣服和发型今年流行和明年过时快的是生活方式。

B. 迅速变化的不仅仅只是一年流行而第二年就过时的服饰和发型,而是整个生活方式。

C. 衣服和发型今年流行,明年就过时了,生活方式就不一样。

53. One year people wear hats and blue jeans; they drink white wine and eat at Japanese restaurants: for exercise they run several miles a day.

A. 曾几何时,人们戴帽子,穿牛仔裤,喝白葡萄酒,到日本餐馆就餐,每天跑几英里健身。

B. 一年,人们穿牛仔戴帽子,喝着白酒,吃着日料,跑步锻炼身体。

C. 有一年,人们喜欢穿牛仔裤,戴着帽子去日本餐厅和白酒,再跑几英里锻炼身体。

54. The next year, however, everything has changed: women wear long skirts; people drink expensive water from France, and eat at Italian restaurants: everyone seems to be exercising at health clubs.

A. 但到了第二年,所有这一切都没变:妇女们穿长裙,人们喝昂贵的法国进口水,到意大利餐馆就餐,每个人都去健身俱乐部锻炼身体。

B. 但到了第二年,一切都变了:妇女们不在穿长裙,人们喝昂贵的法国进口水,到意大利餐馆就餐,似乎每个人都在健身俱乐部里锻炼身体。

C. 但到了第二年,所有这一切都变了:妇女们穿长裙,人们喝昂贵的法国进口水,到意大利餐馆就餐,似乎每个人都在健身俱乐部里锻炼身体。

55. Almost nothing in modern life gets away from the influence of fashion: food, music, exercise, books, language, movies, furniture, and even names go in and out of fashion.

A. 现代生活中几乎没有什么能逃过时尚的影响:食品、音乐、运动、书籍、语言、电影、家具,甚至名字都会经历时髦或者过时的过程。

B. 现代生活中几乎什么都会影响时尚:食品、音乐、运动、书籍、语言、电影、家具,甚至名字都会经历时髦或者过时的过程。

C. 现代生活中几乎都能逃过时尚的影响:食品、音乐、运动、书籍、语言、电影、家具,甚至名字都会经历时髦或者过时的过程。

51. B   52.B   53.A   54.C   55.A

56. The interests that people follow can change very quickly.

A. 人们的兴趣会跟着改变。

B. 人们追随的兴趣爱好会很快地改变。

C. 人们会快速变化着兴趣。

57. In the United States, even people can be “in” or “out”.

A. 在美国,甚至人也可以变得时尚或者过时。

B. 在美国,人能进也能出。

C. 在美国,人们能够进来和出去。

58. Americans enjoy following the lives of famous people: actors, sports heroes, well-known artists, politicians, and the like.

A. 美国人喜欢追随名人的生活方式:演员、体育明星、著名艺人、政治家等。

B. 美国人喜欢跟着名人的生活:演员、体育明星、著名艺人、政治家等。

C. 美国人喜欢打听名人的生活:演员、体育英雄、著名艺人、政治家等。

59. But Americans also pay a lot of attention to people who have no special ability at all.

A. 但是美国人不会注意一点特殊才能都没有的人。

B. 但是美国人也十分注意有点特殊才能的人。

C. 但是美国人也十分注意一点特殊才能都没有的人。

60. In 1981, for example, an unknown elderly woman appeared in a TV advertisement in which she looked at a very small hamburger and complained loudly, “Where’s the beef?”

A. 比如,1981 年,一位名不见经传的老妇人出现在一个电视广告里,她看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢?”

B. 比如,在1981 年,一位不知名的妇人在一个电视广告里,看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声投诉道:“牛呢?”

C. 1981 年,比如,不知道哪位老妇人在一个电视广告里,看着一只很小的汉堡包,大声抱怨道:“牛肉呢?”

56. B   57.A   58.A   59.C   60.A

61. These three words made her famous. Suddenly she appeared in magazines and newspapers, and on TV shows.

A. 那三个字让她出名。很快她离开了杂志、报纸和电视。

B. 那三个字使她出名。突然之间,她就出现在杂志、报纸和电视上。

C. 这三个字使她成了名。一时之间,她在杂志、报纸和电视上频频亮相。

62. She was immediately popular. She was “in”. However, this kind of fame does not last long.

A. 她立刻很流行,变得很时尚。但是这样的名誉时间不长。

B. 她一下子大受欢迎,成了时尚。但是,这种名声并不持久。

C. 她马上变得很时尚,很受欢迎。但是,这样的名誉并不持久。

63. Such people are famous for a very short time—they are fads. What causes such fads to come and go?

A. 一些人出名了一段时间——他们是时尚。是什么让时尚来来去去的?

B. 某些人为了短时间出名——他们成为时尚。是什么让时尚来去匆匆?

C. 这种人只是在很短的一段时间里为众人所知——他们只是时尚。是什么使这种时尚来得快也去得快?

64. Although clothing designers influence fads in fashion because they want to make money, this desire for money doesn’t explain fads in other areas, such as language.

A. 尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流是为了赚钱,这种赚钱的欲望还能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言。

B. 尽管时装设计师影响时装潮流为的是赚钱,但这种赚钱的欲望并不能解释其他方面的时尚,例如语言。

C. 尽管时装设计师为了赚钱而影响时装潮流,这种欲望不能解释其他区域的时尚,例如语言。

65. For example, why have teenagers in the past twenty-five years used—at different times—the words groovy or awesome in conversation instead of simply saying wonderful?

A. 比如,为什么青少年在过去25年里的不同时代,谈话时使用“groovy(帅呆了)”或者“awesome(太棒了)”这样的词,而不只说“wonderful(好极了)”了呢?

B. 比如,为什么年轻人在不同的25年里用“groovy(帅呆了)”或者“awesome(太棒了)”这样的词,而不说“wonderful(好极了)”了呢?

C. 比如,青少年为什么在过去25年里的不同时间,用“groovy(帅呆了)”或者“awesome(太棒了)”代替“wonderful(好极了)”了呢?

61.C   62.B    63.C    64.B    65.A

66. According to an expert in popular culture, people who follow fads are not foolish or vain; they simply want to be part of something new and creative.

A. 据一位流行文化专家说,追随时尚的人并不是愚蠢或爱慕虚荣;他们只是想成为富有创造性的新事物的一部分。

B. 根据一位流行文化专家的意见,人们跟随时尚是愚蠢和徒劳的,他们如此简单,想成为新事物的一部分。

C. 据一位流行文化专家说,追随时尚的人愚蠢和爱慕虚荣;而且他们想成为富有创造性的新事物的一部分。

67. Fads are not limited to the United States, however. Fads are common in any country that has a strong economy (e.g. Britain, Japan, and Germany).   

A. 时尚只是局限于美国。时尚在其他经济强国(如英国、日本、德国)并不普遍。

B. 时尚是不局限在美国,其他经济强国(如英国、日本、德国)并不普遍。

C. 不过,时尚并不只是美国才有。任何经济强国(如英国、日本、德国)都有时尚。

68. However, in the United States, there is an additional reason for fads: most Americans seem to feel that something is wrong if there isn’t frequent change in their lives.

A. 在美国,对于时尚有额外原因:大部分美国人觉得他们的生活频繁变化应该是出问题了。

B. 然而在美国,时尚是有另外因素的:大部分美国人觉得出问题了,因为生活变化频繁。

C. 但是,在美国,时尚发生另有原因:大多数美国人似乎觉得,如果他们的生活没有发生频繁的变化,那一定有什么地方不对劲了。

69. It’s sometimes difficult to see the difference between a fad and a trend.

A. 有时候很难看到时尚和潮流。

B. 有时候很难区别时尚和潮流。

C. 有时候时尚和潮流没什么不同。

70. A fad lasts a very short time and is not very important.

A. 不重要的时尚存在时间短。

B. 时尚持续时间很短,也不太重要。

C. 时尚是短时间不重要的东西。

66. A   67.C   68.C   69.B    70.B

71. A social trend, however, survives a long time and becomes a true part of modern culture.

A. 然而,社会潮流生存时间长,并且成为现代文化的真实部分。

B. 但是一种社会潮流能长时间存在,并且真正成为现代文化的一部分。

C. 一种社会潮流是否能长时间存在,看它是否成为现代文化的一部分。

72. The use of personal computers, for example, is a trend; a fad, on the other hand, could be the use of certain types of computer games.

A. 使用电脑,比如,是一种社会潮流,在另一方面,时尚是一种特定的电脑游戏。

B. 例如,使用个人电脑是一种潮流,而使用某种电脑游戏只可能成为一种时尚。

C. 比如,电脑的使用是潮流,而用另一只手使用电脑游戏是时尚。

73. Who knows what changes in lifestyle will happen next?

A. 谁知道今后的生活方式又会发生什么样的变化呢?

B. 谁知道下一步我们将如何改变生活方式?

C. 谁知道我们的生活方式改变会发生什么?

74. In pictures from college I was thin.   

A. 从大学寄来的照片中我很瘦。

B. 从大学寄来的照片我很单薄。

C. 在大学的照片上我很瘦。

75. I worked full time, went to school full time, smoked, and lived off fast food and soft drinks.

A. 我要始终工作,整天不在学校,抽烟并且以快餐和饮料为生。

B. 我整天工作,整天上学,抽烟并且不吃快餐和饮料。

C. 那时我全天工作,全天上学,抽烟,吃快餐,喝软饮料。

71. B   72.B   73.A    74.C    75.C

76. Friends say that I don’t look like myself in those pictures.  

A. 在这些图片里我不像朋友说的那样。

B. 朋友们说现在的我和照片中的我一点都不像。

C. 朋友说我在照片里,看上去不像。

77. I looked ill, sad, and unhealthy.

A. 我看着病了,忧伤和不健康。

B. 我去看病人,很忧伤,而且不健康。

C. 那时的我看上去一脸病态、情绪低落、身体很差。

78. Now, at a weight considered to be dangerously high by medical charts, I live better than ever.

A. 根据医学标准,我现在的体重已经超标到危险的程度,但我的生活状况比以前任何时候都好。

B. 如今,我过的比以前好,因为我的体重没有到危险的程度。

C. 现在根据医学标准我的体重还没到危险程度,所以我过的比以前好。

79. I have given up smoking, and I eat a lot of vegetables; I enjoy walking, swimming and dancing classes.

A. 我不得不放弃抽烟和吃许多蔬菜,我要散步和上游泳、舞蹈课程。

B. 我戒了烟,每天吃很多蔬菜;我喜欢散步、游泳、学跳舞。

C. 我有抽烟和吃很多蔬菜,我喜欢走路、游泳和舞蹈。

80. I exercise and eat well because I love living, not because I want to lose weight.  

A. 我积极锻炼,注意饮食,并不是为了减肥,而是因为我热爱生活。

B. 我练习并且吃的很好,因为我爱生活,不是因为我想减重。

C. 我喜欢生活不想减肥,所以我锻炼并且吃的很好。

76. B   77.C   78.A    79.B    80.A

81. My doctor tells me I am healthy, and this is much more important than being thin.  

A. 医生说我很健康,这比苗条重要得多。

B. 意思说我很苗条,这比健康重要得多。

C. 医生说我苗条健康,这很重要。

82. Studies show that overweight people who exercise have a lower death rate than “normal” weight people who do not.

A. 研究表明,胖子都爱运动,死亡率比“正常”体重低得多。

B . 研究表明,坚持运动的肥胖者的死亡率比不运动的“正常”体重者低得多。

C. 研究表明,肥胖者不爱运动的死亡率比爱运动的“正常”体重者低得多。

83. Negative attitudes toward fat people begin in childhood.   

A. 人们从孩童时代就开始歧视肥胖者。

B. 小孩子歧视肥胖者。

C. 肥胖者对小孩子有否定态度。

84.I’m so glad I had that first job.

A. 我真高兴当时做了那一份工作

B. 我如此高兴当时拥有那个第一份工作。

C. 我真高兴当时那是我的工作

85.His letter read, “I’m so glad I invested in you.”

A. 他在信里说:“我真高兴当时在你身上投资。”

B. 他读信说:“我真高兴当时投资了。”

C. 他在读信:“我真高兴你当时帮我投资。”

81. A   82.B   83.A   84.A   85.A

86. These attitudes create discrimination that affects fat people in every aspect of their lives, including money matters.

A. 这类态度导致了肥胖者在生活各方面受到歧视,包括经济方面。

B. 这类态度导致了肥胖者在经济方面受到歧视。

C. 这类态度导致了肥胖者不仅在经济方面受到歧视,也包括生活各方面。

87. In fact, overweight, white women usually earn less than thin, white women—24 percent less, according to one study.

A. 事实上,一项研究表明肥胖的白种妇女的收入比苗条的白种妇女多24%

B. 事实上,一项研究表明肥胖的白种妇女的收入比苗条的白种妇女少24%

C. 事实上,一项研究表明肥胖的白种妇女的收入和苗条的白种妇女相差24%

88. People often justify their judgments about fat people by saying that people choose to be fat.

A. 人们常常为歧视肥胖者口,认为肥胖是自己作的。

B. 人们常常对肥胖者待遇不公,认为肥胖是自己选择的。

C. 人们常常为歧视肥胖者找借口,认为肥胖是自己选择的。

89. Choose? Who would choose life as a fat person in this weight-obsessed culture?

A. 选择?在这样一个对体重高度敏感的文化中谁愿意选择做胖子呢?

B. 选择?在这样一个对体重高度敏感的文化中谁不想做个快乐的胖子呢?

C. 选择?在这样一个对体重高度敏感的文化中谁不愿意吃吃喝喝长得胖胖的呢?

90. There are many false ideas about fat people in society: that all fat people have eating disorders or emotional or mental issues; that if they really wanted to lose weight they could.

A. 社会上对于肥胖存在种种虚假观念:所有的肥胖者都有饮食、感情或精神问题;要是他们真想减肥,是可以做到的。

B. 社会上对于肥胖存在种种错误观念:所有的肥胖者都有饮食、感情或精神问题;要他们减肥,是绝对做不到的。

C. 社会上对于肥胖存在种种错误观念:所有的肥胖者都有饮食、感情或精神问题;要是他们真想减肥,是可以做到的。

86. A   87.B   88.C  89.A   90.C

91. In reality, however, some people are naturally fat.   

A. 然而,事实上,有些人天生就肥胖。

B. 然而,事实上,有些人天生就胖的自然。

C. 然而,事实上,有些人天然胖。

92. How a person is born is simply science, not a comment on someone’s character.  

A. 人是怎么出生的是一个科学问题,而不应该成为评价一个人性格的依据。

B. 人的体型是一个科学问题,而不应该攻击他的人格。

C. 人的体型是一个科学问题,而不应该成为评价一个人性格的依据。

93. The Center for Disease Control reports that 78 percent of American women are trying hard to lose weight, and at an amazing failure rate—95 percent get back what they’ve lost within two to five years.

A. 疾病控制中心的报告表明,78% 的美国妇女正竭力试图减肥,但成功率却出奇的低——其中95%的人在25年内又恢复了原来的体重。

B. 疾病控制中心的报告表明,78% 的美国妇女正竭力试图减肥,其中95%的人在25年内减肥成功。

C. 疾病控制中心的报告表明78% 的美国妇女正竭力试图减肥,但成功率却出奇的高——其中95%的人在25年内减到了理想体重体重。

94. The often-heard comment of “you have such a pretty face” does not please me because of all that’s not said:  “If you’d just lose the weight you’d be beautiful.”  

A. 常常有人对我说“你有一张漂亮的脸。”我却对此不以为然,因为我知道他们的潜台词:“因为你胖,所以不漂亮。”

B. 常常有人对我说“你有一张漂亮的脸。”我却对此不以为然,因为我知道他们的潜台词:“你要是瘦一些的话会很漂亮的。”

C. 常常有人对我说“你有一张漂亮的脸。”我却对此非常开心,因为我知道他们的潜台词:“你又瘦又漂亮。”

95. Beauty is a taught concept and the cultural standards for beauty change constantly.

B. 其实美是别人教的,而且美的标准也在不断变化。

C. 其实美的概念不同,而且美的文化标准也在不断变化。

91.A  92.C   93.A   94.B   95.A

96. Later in life, I was happy to learn that some cultures have very different standards of beauty.

A. 后来的生活中我欣喜地了解到,有些文化的审美标准完全不同。

B. 那天以后,我欣喜地了解到,不同文化的审美标准是不同的。

C. 后来的生活中我欣喜地了解到,不同文化的审美标准是不同的。

97. While I was visiting the British Virgin Islands, a local man invited me to be in a picture with him on the beach.

A. 有一次我来到英属维尔京群岛,一名当地人邀请我和他在海滩上一起拍照。

B. 有一次我来到英属维尔京群岛,一名当地人邀请我和他出现在同一张图片里。

C. 有一次我来到英属维尔京群岛,一名当地人邀请我和他在海滩上拼图。

98. I asked, “Why me? There are women who look like models here.”

A. 我问他:“你为什么选我呢?这儿有好多模特。”

B. 我问他:“你为什么选我呢?这儿有些女人身材好得像模特。”

C. 我问他:“你为什么选我呢?这儿有好多标准美女。”

99. “Bones are for dogs,” he said with a smile. “Meat is for men.”

A. 他微笑着对我说:“狗才喜欢骨头,男人喜欢肉。”

B. 他微笑着对我说:“狗吃骨头,男吃肉。”

C. 他微笑着对我说:“骨头给狗吃,男人吃肉。”

100. My first real long-term job, though, was at a local diner called Mel’s Place.  

A. 我第一份兼职工作其实是在本地的一个叫“梅尔之家”的小餐馆当服务员。

B. 我第一份真正长久的工作其实是在本地的一个叫“梅尔之家”的小餐馆当老板。

C. 我第一份真正长久的工作其实是在本地的一个叫“梅尔之家”的小餐馆当服务员。

96.C   97.A   98.B    99.A    10.C

101. I worked there for seven years and learned so many lessons, especially from a fellow waitress.

A. 我在那儿干了7年,学到很多东西,尤其是从一位女服务员海伦那里学到了很多。

B. 我在那儿干了7年,上了很多课,尤其是从一位女服务员海伦那里学到了很多。

C. 我在那儿干了7年,得到很多教训,尤其是从一位女服务员海伦那里学到了很多。

102. Helen was in her 60s, had red hair, and tons of self-respect—something I was really lacking.

A. 海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强——这是我当时真正想要的东西。

B. 海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强——这是我当时真正学习的东西。

C. 海伦六十多岁,红头发,自尊心很强——这是我当时真正缺乏的东西。

103. I looked up to Helen because she was doing what she loved—serving people—and nobody did it better.

A. 我敬佩海伦,因为她在做她所热爱的事——接待顾客——而且没人比她做得更好。

B. 我抬头看看海伦,因为她在做她所热爱的事——接待顾客——而且没人比她做得更好。

C. 我抬起头来,看到海伦,发现她在做她所热爱的事——接待顾客——而且没人比她做得更好。

104She made everyone smile and feel good, customers and fellow-workers alike.

A. 她使顾客和同事面带笑意,心情愉快。

B. 她使每一个人,无论是顾客还是同事,都面带笑意,心情愉快。

C. 她喜欢每一个人,无论是顾客还是同事,所以面带笑意,心情愉快。

105. I also learned how important it is to take pride in life’s little achievements.

A. 我还学到了重要的一点,那就是为生活中取得的小小成就感到自豪。

B. 我还知道这很重要,那就是为生活中取得的小小成就感到自豪。

C. 我学习这个重要性,那就是为生活中取得的小小成就感到自豪。

101.A    102.C   103.A    104.B   105.A

106. When I helped out in the kitchen, for example, nothing made me feel better than preparing the eggs and serving them just the way the customers wanted.

A. 比如,我在厨房里帮忙的时候,完全按照顾客希望的方式做好鸡蛋、给他们端上让我感到很不高兴。

B. 比如,我在厨房里帮忙的时候,没有什么比完全按照顾客希望的方式做好鸡蛋、给他们端上更让我感到更不高兴的了。

C. 比如,我在厨房里帮忙的时候,没有什么比完全按照顾客希望的方式做好鸡蛋、给他们端上更让我感到高兴的了。

107. Being a waitress really changed my life.

A. 当女服务员确实改变了我的一生。

B. 当女服务员确实改变了我。

C. 当女服务员确实改善了我的生活。

108. One of my regular customers, Fred Hasbrook, a salesman, always ate the same thing every day.

A. 我的一个规律的顾客,弗雷德·哈斯布鲁克,是个推销员,他每天总是吃同样的东西。

B. 我的一个刻板的顾客,弗雷德·哈斯布鲁克,是个推销员,他每天总是吃同样的东西。

C. 我的一个常客,弗雷德·哈斯布鲁克,是个推销员,他每天总是吃同样的东西。

109. As soon as I saw him walking towards the diner, I would put his order in without him even needing to ask.

A. 我一看到他朝小餐馆走来,就会把他的订单放袋子里,他甚至都不需要开口。

B. 我一看到他朝小餐馆走来,就会把他想点的东西准备好,他甚至都不愿意说话。

C. 我一看到他朝小餐馆走来,就会把他想点的东西准备好,他甚至都不需要开口。

110. Thanks to the confidence I picked up from Helen, I dreamed of having my own restaurant one day.

A. 因为从海伦那里学到了自信,我梦想着有一天能拥有自己的餐馆。

B. 因为从海伦那里得到了信心,我梦想着有一天能拥有自己的餐馆。

C. 因为从海伦那里学到了自信,我梦见拥有自己的餐馆。

106.C   107.A   108.C    109.C   110.A

111. Unfortunately, when I called my parents to ask them to lend me the money, they said, “We just don’t have it.”

A. 可惜,当我打电话向我父母借钱时,他们说:“我们实在没钱。”

B. 可惜,当我打电话让父母帮忙借钱时,他们说:“我们实在没钱。”

C. 可惜,当我打电话向我父母借钱时,他们说:“我们哪来钱。”

112. The next day, Fred saw me and asked, “What’s wrong, Sunshine? You’re not smiling today.”   

B. 第二天,弗雷德见了我,问道:“出什么事了,阳光女孩?今天没见你笑。”

113. I shared my dream with him and said, “Fred, I know I could do so much more if somebody would just have faith in me.”

A. 我把我的梦想告诉了他,说:“弗雷德,我知道,只要有人相信我,我还能做很多事情。”

B. 我分享了我的梦想,说“弗雷德,我知道我能做的如此多,只有有人对我忠诚。”

C. 我把我的梦想告诉了他,说:“弗雷德,我知道,只要有人忠诚于我,我还能做很多事情。”

114. He walked over to some of the other regulars at the diner, and then gave me $50,000 the very next day—along with a note that I still have.

A. 他向小餐馆的其他几个规律走去,第二天就交给我50,000 美元,还有一张我至今还保留着的纸条。

B. 他向小餐馆的其他几个常客走去,第二天就交给我50,000 美元,还有一张我至今还保留着的笔记。

C. 他向小餐馆的其他几个常客走去,第二天就交给我50,000 美元,还有一张我至今还保留着的纸条。

115. It reads, “Good people with a dream should have the opportunity to make it come true.”

A. 上面写着:“拥有梦想的好人应该有机会让梦想成真。”

B. 上面读着:“拥有梦想的好人应该有机会让梦想成真。”

C. 上是这样读的:“拥有梦想的好人应该有机会让梦想成真。”

111.A   112.B   113.A   114.C    115.A

116. I quickly went to a bank, where the money was invested for me.  

A. 我很快去了一家银行,这家银行替我拿这笔钱做投资。

B. 我很快去了一家银行,把钱存进去。

C. 我很快去了一家银行,不知把钱投哪里去了。

117. In the meantime, I continued working at the diner, making plans for the restaurant I would one day open.

A. 与此同时,我一边继续在小餐馆工作,一边计划着一个店。

B. 与此同时,我一边继续在小餐馆工作,一边盘算着自己开店。

C. 与此同时,我一边继续在小餐馆工作,一边梦想着计划中的店。

118. Sadly, the money was not invested well, and I lost it all.

A. 让我难过的是,这笔钱血本无回。

B. 让我难过的是,这笔钱被偷了,我血本无回。

C. 让我难过的是,这笔钱投资失败,我血本无回。

119. At that time, I found myself thinking about what it would be like to be a stockbroker, and decided to apply for a job at the bank.

A. 就在这时,我我发现自己做一个股票经纪人,于是决定申请一份银行的工作。

B. 就在这时,我开始考虑去试着做一个股票经纪人,于是决定申请一份银行的工作。

C. 就在这时,我梦想做一个股票经纪人,于是决定申请一份银行的工作。

120. Even though I had no experience, I was hired and ended up doing quite well.

A. 我虽然没有经验,但还是被雇用了,并且做得非常好。

B. 我虽然没有经验,但还是被雇用了,结果非常好。

C. 我因为没有经验,所以被雇用了,并且做得非常好。

116.A    117.B   118.C   119.B   120.A